41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (2024)




Marie Iannotti

41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (1)

Marie Iannotti

Marie Iannotti is a life-long gardener and a veteran Master Gardener with nearly three decades of experience. She's also an author of three gardening books, a plant photographer, public speaker, and a former Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticulture Educator. Marie's garden writing has been featured in newspapers and magazines nationwide and she has been interviewed for Martha Stewart Radio, National Public Radio, and numerous articles.

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Updated on 09/17/22

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41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (2)

Scented flowers add a layer of sensory pleasure to the garden, bringing fragrance that evokes memories and herald the coming spring or summer season. When planting flowers for their scent, keep in mind that some flowers are lightly scented and must be appreciated up close, while others engulf the entire yard in their perfume—think oflilacsin spring or a patch of lily of the valley.

If you're ready to add some fragrance to your garden, here are many great options to get you started. Keep in mind that bloom times may vary based on the local climate as well as micro-climates on your property.


Heirloom flowers make marvelous additions to a scented garden, many of which are best started from seed. These flowers have not been genetically altered, a process that often sacrifices scent, so they retain their naturally fabulous fragrances.

Tips for Planting Fragrant Flowers

If you'd like to include some fragrance in your garden, follow some basic tips for getting the most from your scented flowers:

  • Plant them where you will be able to enjoy their fragrance most frequently—for example, alongside a path, patio, open window, or in a container that is easy to move around.
  • Plant in large clumps for the strongest impact. The scent of flowers will dissipate if they are planted in a wide-open, windy area.
  • Spread fragrant plants throughout the yard so that different scents don't compete with one another.
  • Some plants are most fragrant in the evening. Plant them near your dining or entertaining areas.
  • Look for fragrant groundcovers and lawn alternatives that withstand foot traffic. Plants with fragrant leaves are even more potent when the leaves are crushed underfoot.
  • The fragrance of flowers will change subtly throughout the day and with variations in the weather and growing conditions. You'll need to experiment with fragrant plants to see which grow well for you and which combinations appeal to you. Not everyone appreciates the same scents.
  • Many insects are also attracted to scented plants. The butterflies will be welcome, but keep scented flowers away fromchildren's play areas and away from people who are extremely sensitive to bee stings.

41 Fragrant Flowers

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    Angel's Trumpet

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (3)

    Brugmansia is a large, tree-like plant with8- to 9-inch blooms that dangle upside down and give off a citrus-floral scent that is most pronounced in the evening. ​Bring indoors to overwinter in cooler climates.

    • Name: Angel's trumpet (Brugmansia spp.)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 9-11 (USDA)
    • Flower Colors: White, yellow, orange, pink
    • Mature Size: 6–35 ft. tall, 3–10 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer
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    Anise Hyssop

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (4)

    Both the leaves and the small, spiky purple-blue flowers of hyssop have a strong scent of anise. It is a member of the mint family and both the leaves and flowers are edible.

    • Name: Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-8 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Pink, white, blue, purple
    • Mature Size: 2-4 ft. tall, 1-3 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer
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    Butterfly Ginger

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (5)

    You may see this plant listed as white ginger lily. Its clear white flowers need the longest days of summer to open and release their honeysuckle-like fragrance.

    • Name: Butterfly ginger (Hedychium coronarium)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 7-10 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 4-6 ft. tall, 2-3 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer, fall
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (6)

    The spicy scent of carnations is one of the most familiar flower fragrances. Make sure you purchase a variety that specifically says it is fragrant,since many hybrids have been bred for larger flowers and longer blooms but have no scent. Note:Not all carnations areperennials.

    • Name: Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 6-9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White, pink, red
    • Mature Size: 6-24 in. tall, 10-14 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring

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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (7)

    Chamomile has a very pleasant herbal, grassy scent that is similar to the fragrance that wafts up from hot chamomile tea. It is often used in aromatherapy because it has a calming effect when inhaled.

    • Name: Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 8–24 in. tall, 8–12 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer
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    Corsican Mint

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (8)

    There's a definite minty scent from both the leaves and flowers of Corsican mint. It is used as a groundcover, emitting its fragrance as it is crushed underfoot. It is also the flavoring used in crème de menthe liqueur.

    • Name: Corsican mint (Mentha requienii)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 6-9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Purple
    • Mature Size: 4 in. tall, 6-12 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (9)

    Daphne is a beautiful small shrub with glossy green leaves and flowers that emit a true perfume-quality scent that is a mix of sweet florals and earthy undertones.

    • Name: Daphne (Daphne cneorum)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 5-9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Pink
    • Mature Size: 1–5 ft. tall, 2–6 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring
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    Flowering Quince

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (10)

    Some people find the scent of flowering quince fruity and sweet, while others find it offensive. Buy yours in bloom, to ensure you like it. Bees and hummingbirds love the flowers.

    • Name: Flowering Quince (Chaenomeles speciosa)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-8 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White, orange, red, pink
    • Mature Size: 3-10 ft. tall, 3-10 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring
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    Flowering Tobacco

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (11)

    Nicotiana is sometimes referred to as jasmine tobacco, because of its intense, sweet scent. Go for the tall Nicotiana sylvestris for a fragrance that will permeate the evening air. Many of the shorter, modern Nicotiana alata have only a faint scent. Nicotiana is usually grown as anannual.

    • Name: Flowering tobacco (Nicotiana alata)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 10-11 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Yellow, green, white, pink, red
    • Mature Size: 3-5 ft. tall, 1-2 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer
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    Four O'Clocks

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (12)

    Mirabilis is Latin for wonderful. These annual flowers open in the late afternoon, in response to cooling temperatures. They may stay open all day on overcast days, but their sweet, lemony fragrance is most intense in the evening.They will self-sow.

    • Name: Four o'clocks (Mirabilis jalapa, M. longiflora)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 9-11 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Pink, red, yellow, white
    • Mature Size: 2–3 ft. tall and wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer
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    Fragrant Columbine

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (13)

    Aquilegia fragrans is slightly different from the more common garden columbines, although they are almost as easy to grow. They have creamy white flowers that give off a lovely honeysuckle-like scent.

    • Name: Fragrant columbine (Aquilegia fragrans)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 5-8 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 12-18 in. tall, 8-12 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring
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    Fragrant Plantain Lily

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (14)

    Unlike so many hosta varieties that are grown simply for their foliage, Hosta plantaginea (and many of its hybrids) has lovely white flowers with a charming floral scent.

    • Name: Hosta (Hosta plantaginea)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3–9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White, purple, pink
    • Mature Size: 6–48 in. tall, 10–60 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer

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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (15)

    Freesia is a popular wedding flower, but it is tropical, so you don't often see it in gardens. However, it can also be grown as a houseplant. The tubular flowers have a fresh, fruity, floral scent.

    • Name: Freesia (Freesia spp.)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 9-10 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Pink, red, white, yellow, orange, blue, purple
    • Mature Size: 1-2 ft. tall, 6-12 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring, summer
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    Garden Phlox

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (16)

    The floral scent of garden phlox is almost heady on a warm summer day. The heat intensifies the fragrance. Watch out for modern hybrids that were bred for show, with no scent.

    • Name: Garden phlox (Phlox paniculata)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-8 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Pink, purple, white
    • Mature Size: 2-4 ft. tall, 2-3 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (17)

    Gardenias are one of the most fragrant flowers; some people find them too strong to be near. These plants are very tender and should be moved indoors for the winter in cold climates.

    • Name: Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 8-11 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 5-6 ft. tall, 5-6 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring, summer, fall
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    Grape Hyacinth

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (18)

    Muscari gets its common name from its enticing grape fragrance. If you have a large clump, its smell will waft throughout the yard. These tiny flowers also make nice cut flowers, bringing their bright scent indoors for you to enjoy.

    • Name: Grape hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-8 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Blue, white, purple, pink, yellow
    • Mature Size: 6–9 in. tall, 3–6 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring

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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (19)

    Heliotrope has a delightful cherry vanilla scent that gives it its colloquial name of "the cherry pie flower." You'll need a good size clump of plants to really get the full effect, but it's worth it. Heliotrope is often grown as an annual in colder climates.

    • Name: Heliotrope (Heliotropium arborescens)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 9-11 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White, purple
    • Mature Size: 1-4 ft. tall, 6-8 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (20)

    One jasmine plant easily perfumes your entire yard. The beautiful evergreen foliage and star-shaped flowers are simply a bonus of its spicy, sweet scent.

    • Name: Jasmine (Jasminum officinale)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 7-10 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 20-30 ft. tall, 7-10 ft, wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring, summer, fall
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (21)

    Many daffodils have a subtle scent, but for a bigger bang, try a patch of jonquils. They have a strong, astringent scent that sneaks up on you, although, like paperwhites (Narcissus papyraceus), not everyone finds it pleasant.

    • Name: Jonquils (Narcissus jonquilla)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-8 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Yellow
    • Mature Size: 8 - 12 in. tall, 5 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (22)

    Lavender has one of the most beloved scents of any flower. Its musky floral fragrance even permeates your palate when you use lavender in cooking.

    • Name: Lavender (Lavandula spp.)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 5-9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Purple
    • Mature Size: 2–3 ft. tall, 2–4 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer

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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (23)

    The sweet, floral fragrance of lilacs announces spring. Get a hint of it as the buds start to swell. Once the flowers open, lilacs are strong enough to perfume the neighborhood.

    • Name: Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-7 (USDA
    • Flower Color: Purple, white
    • Mature Size: 8–15 ft. tall, 6–12 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (24)

    Lilies have a strong spicy-sweet scent. A bouquet of lilies will perfume the house. Both the cut flowers and the blooms on the plant are long-lasting, and the flowers come in many colors.

    • Name: Lily (Lilium spp.)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-11 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White, yellow, orange, pink, purple, red
    • Mature Size: 2-6 ft. tall, 2-3 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer
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    Lily of the Valley

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (25)

    Lily of the valley flowers are popular additions to perfume, with their rich, sweet fragrance. This is a quick-spreading plant, so plant it where you won't mind it traveling, then enjoy the scent throughout your yard.

    • Name: Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-8 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 6–12 in. tall, 9–12 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (26)

    Magnolias have a sweet, strong, honeysuckle scent that quickly evokes memories of the first time you were captivated by it. This is a tender tree, very much associated with the South. In northern climates, look for cultivars especially bred for the local environment.

    • Name: Magnolia (Magnolia spp.)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White, pink, purple, yellow
    • Mature Size: 20-30 ft. tall, 15-20 ft wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring

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    Mock Orange

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (27)

    If you are unfamiliar with mock orange, you might think you are in a citrus grove when it blooms. The scent of the small white flowers truly mimics the scent of oranges.

    • Name: Mock orange (Philadelphus spp.)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-8 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 10–12 ft. tall and wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (28)

    This night bloomer has a surprising scent that is a combination of cinnamon and rose. They take a while to begin flowering, so keep a watch toward the evening at the end of summer. In cooler climates, moonflower is often grown as an annual.

    • Name: Moonflower (Ipomoea alba)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 10-12 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 10–15 ft. tall, 3–6 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer, fall
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    Naked Lady

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (29)

    The rather rude common name of Naked Lady was given because the flowers bloom before the leaves appear. The beautiful tubular flowers give off an extremely sweet scent that is often likened to bubble gum.

    • Name: Naked lady (Amaryllis belladonna)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-10 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Pink, red
    • Mature Size: 2-3 ft. tall and wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer, fall
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    Night-Blooming Jasmine

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (30)

    The scent of night-blooming jasmine wafts in and out of the air, usually catching you when the air is still. Unlike Jasminum officinale, which has a very sweet scent, night-blooming jasmine is often described as more sultry.

    • Name: Night-blooming jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 8-11 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Green, white, yellow
    • Mature Size: 6-15 ft. long
    • Bloom Season: Spring, summer

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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (31)

    Pennyroyal is one of the strongest-smelling members of the mint family. It is an attractive, creeping plant that makes a great ground cover in areas where you will be walking and releasing its fragrance. The flower color ranges from light blue or lavender to reddish-purple.

    • Name: Pennyroyal (Mentha pelegium)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 6–9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Purple, blue
    • Mature Size: 6–12 in. tall, 3–6 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (32)

    Peonies would be beautiful enough to grow just for their flowers, but the lush blooms also have a clear, clean scent that is very similar to roses. They are very long-lasting as cut flowers.

    • Name: Peony (Paeonia spp.)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White, purple, pink, red, yellow
    • Mature Size: 2–3 ft. tall and wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring, summer
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (33)

    Although not as strongly-scented as carnations(Dianthus caryophyllus), pinks also have a spicy scent, and they are much more widely adaptable.

    • Name: Pinks (Dianthus plumarius)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White, purple, red. pink
    • Mature Size: 6–36 in. tall, 6–24 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring, summer, fall
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (34)

    Although not all roses are fragrant, they may be the first flower most people think of when it comes to fragrance. Rose scents range from candy-sweet to exotic and spicy. Popular fragrant rose varieties include 'Double Delight', 'Fourth of July', and 'Midas Touch'.

    • Name: Rose (Rosa spp.)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-11 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White, yellow, orange, red, pink
    • Mature Size: 3-15 ft. tall, 2-10 ft, wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer

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    Star Jasmine

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (35)

    This evergreen, twining tangle of a vine is not a true jasmine. It smells so much like one that it earned its common name. A well-established plant will be covered with the fragrant blooms.

    • Name: Star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 8–10 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 3–6 ft. tall, 3–6 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring, summer
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (36)

    It's hard to believe that stock is a member of the cabbage family. Also known as gillyflower, stock flowers pack an intense clove-like scent in their small flowers.

    • Name: Stock (Matthiola incana)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 7-10 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Pink, yellow, purple, blue, red, white
    • Mature Size: 1-3 ft. tall, 1-2 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring, summer
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (37)

    The spicy scent of Clethra is why some people refer to it as pepper bush. The white panicles of flowers are beautifully offset by glossy, bright green foliage. The late summer scent comes as a pleasant surprise.

    • Name: Summersweet (Clethra spp.)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White, pink
    • Mature Size: 3-8 ft. tall, 4-6 ft. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer
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    Sweet Alyssum

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (38)

    The diminutive plant is so covered with flowers, it looks like a carpet. The fragrance is unique with a honey-like quality with a floral finish. Sweet alyssum is a cool-season annual flower for the beginning and end of the summer.

    • Name: Sweet alyssum (Lobularia maritima)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 5–9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White, pink, purple
    • Mature Size: 3–10 in. tall, 2–4 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring, fall

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    Sweet Autumn Clematis

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (39)

    Sweet autumn clematis is covered with a cloud of small white flowers in the fall. Besides their beauty, the flowers give off a gentle vanilla scent, which really hits you as you walk below the vine. This plant is invasive in some areas.

    • Name: Sweet autumn clematis (Clematis dioscoreifolia)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 15 to 30 ft. long vine
    • Bloom Season: Fall
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    Sweet Pea

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (40)

    Sweet peas are cool-season annuals that offer an abundance of cut flowers. Unfortunately, breeders have been focusing on more blooms and less fragrance. Look for old-fashioned varieties that have the spicy scent that sweet peas became known for.

    • Name: Sweet pea (Lathyrus spp.)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-8 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Red, pink, blue, white, purple
    • Mature Size: 6-8 ft. long vine
    • Bloom Season: Spring
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    Sweet Woodruff

    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (41)

    Sweet woodruff has a grassy vanilla scent, which is much nicer than it sounds. It is often compared to the scent of newly mown hay. Be warned: The plant will spread.

    • Name: Sweet woodruff (Asperula odorata)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 6-12 in. tall, 9-18 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Spring
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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (42)

    You may only think of thyme as a seasoning, but it is also a very ornamental plant and a bee magnet. Thyme is in the mint family, but its scent is more herbal and grassy.

    • Name: Thyme (Thymus serpyllum, T. herba-barona, T. caespititius)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 5–9 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: Pink, white, purple
    • Mature Size: 2-6 in. tall, 6-18 in. wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer

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    41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (43)

    These flowers have an unusual sweet scent that has been likened to everything from candy to Dr. Pepper soda. The stalks holding the large, white flowers reaches up to five feet in height. In cooler zones, the bulbs can belifted and stored for winter.

    • Name: Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa)
    • USDA Hardiness Zones: 7-10 (USDA)
    • Flower Color: White
    • Mature Size: 2-3 ft. tall and wide
    • Bloom Season: Summer



  • What is the world's most fragrant flower?

    There are many flowers with very strong fragrances. Based on the most used flowers in perfume-making, the flowers with the strongest fragrance include rose, jasmine, tuberose,frangipani, violet, and lavender.

  • Do fragrant flowers attract bugs?

    Not necessarily and if they do, the bugs that appear on your flowers are by no means always "bad bugs", i.e. pests that you need to combat. Flowers attract pollinators which play a key role in food production. Some flowers repel noxious insects. For example, mums contain pyrethrin, a neurotoxin that repels harmful insects such as mosquitoes and flies.

The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Pyrethrins. National Pesticide Information Center.

41 Fragrant Flowers to Grow in Your Garden (2024)


What is a sweet smelling flower in the garden? ›

Rose. The rose has always held its own as one of the sweetest-smelling flowers in the garden. There are endless varieties from which to choose—some easier to grow than others—from classics to modern hybrids. Among the most fragrant blooms, many English roses make the list, including Heritage and Gertrude Jekyll.

Which flower is the king of fragrance? ›

Widely acknowledged as the most fragrant flower, Jasmine is used in perfume and cosmetic industries. These blooms are widely used in aromatherapy too as their smell helps in relaxing the mind.

What is the bad smell flower in the world? ›

What makes this stinky flora so special? The corpse flower smells like… well, a dead body. Given its rotting odor, the plant, whose technical name is Amorphophallus titanum has also been dubbed the corpse bride, corpse plant, and the world's smelliest flower.

What is the yellow flower that smells like honey? ›

It is very early spring, and as you walk along the trail you catch the scent of honey, and your eyes are attracted to the yellow flowers on a ubiquitous evergreen shrub named Agarita, Berberis trifoliolata.

What flower smells like an onion? ›

Alliums are charming plants for the rock or herb garden. When the foliage is bruised, it smells like onions since they are in the onion family. Butterflies and honeybees adore the flowers' sweet nectar but deer and rabbits steer clear of this perennial beauty.

What flower smells like grape soda? ›

Sophora Secundiflora. Purple flowering, glossy leafed, large shrub or small tree. Showy purple blossoms that smell like grape soda.

What is the purple flower that smells like peanut butter? ›

This is Bunge's clerodendrum, or Clerodendrum bungei. It is also called rose glory bower. Some people describe the odd foliage smell as a strong peanut butter smell, which is found in several species of clerodendrums with fuzzy leaves.

What does the world's biggest flower smell of? ›

Rafflesia arnoldii, the corpse flower, or giant padma, is a species of flowering plant in the parasitic genus Rafflesia. It is noted for producing the largest individual flower on Earth. It has a strong and unpleasant odor of decaying flesh. It is native to the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo.

What is the most pleasing scent in the world? ›

A study conducted by researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and the University of Oxford has found that vanilla is the world's most universally-loved scent.

What is the highest fragrance? ›

Parfum has the highest concentration of perfume oils (between 20 – 40%) and because of this has a longer staying power than the weaker variations. Due to this, Parfum generally is the most expensive but can usually last on the skin for six to eight hours.

What is the most pure flower? ›

The lotus flower grows in the murkiest of swamps and yet blooms with great beauty in a number of colors, including white, pink, and blue. It has long been revered for its resilience and beauty, and is known as a symbol of purity and transcendence.


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