7 Hearty Keto Soup Recipes That'll Warm Your Soul (2024)

The best part of fall is a hot bowl of soup that’s hearty, filling, and warm.

It’s absolute comfort food that’ll instantly make you feel all cozy and seasonal.

Whether it’s a low-carb vegetable soup or Instant pot stew, soups are the perfect complete meal on a cold day.

Not to mention, it’s a perfect way to end the evening and an effortless way to stick to a low-carb lifestyle.

What’s more, make a whole pot of soup, you’ll have plenty of leftovers to keep in the freezer and even for the office lunch the next day.

While many traditional comforting soups aren’t necessarily made for a strict keto diet, thankfully, they are often only small tweaks away from qualifying as low-carb diet recipes.

Like most of you, I’m also on the lookout for new recipes to keep things fun and interesting.

And if you’re following a ketogenic diet, you need to be extra mindful of your macros and carb count in order to stay in ketosis.

That’s right. You need to be an excellent carb manager to balance out the flavor and carb count of your meals including soups and broths.

While keeping total carbs super low may seem like a daunting task, it doesn’t have to be.

We’ve taken the big load off your shoulder by bringing this list of super yummy low-carb soup recipes that can be a full meal on a ketogenic diet.

Whether you like a soup full of fresh veggies or bean-less ground beef chili, you are in a big treat.

These keto soup recipes are delicious, healthy, and filling. Some are cheesy while others are dairy-free and paleo.

This only means, you are not bound to heavy cream, sausage, and bacon-filled soups. You’ll have plenty of low carb soups with bell peppers, cabbage, and aromatic herbs.

If you are a big fan of chunky, filling soups, you’ll love every one of these keto soups.

You can also pair these soups with cauliflower rice, keto cornbread, and even zucchini noodles.

Before further adieu, here are 7 delicious keto soups your whole family will love.

1. Roasted Butternut Squash Keto Soup

7 Hearty Keto Soup Recipes That'll Warm Your Soul (1)

You can’t talk about winter soup without this dish, really!

This Butternut Squash Soup Recipe is the perfect fall and winter dish. It’s great for the upcoming holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Not to mention, butternut squash is one of the few low-carb vegetables you can eat on a keto diet.

Whether you’re looking for something to satisfy your sweet cravings or keep you warm, this soup is it.

While there are a lot of squash soup recipes out there, this one is my favorite.

This butternut squash keto soup recipe is so deliciously done that you’ll want to have it often.

I promise. It will become your new favorite keto soup recipe.

If you are ready to taste this delicious soup, grab the recipe here.

2. Keto Broccoli Cheddar Soup

7 Hearty Keto Soup Recipes That'll Warm Your Soul (2)

Didn’t your mother use to say, eat your broccoli!?

Well, if I was given this broccoli cheddar soup, I can guarantee you I never hesitated to eat them in the first place!

It’s that good, and if you have a picky eater at home, I suggest you try this broccoli soup. Your kiddo will eat up the veggies like they are the golden nuggets!

All jokes aside, broccoli is a good source of many important vitamins including Vitamins B6, E B1, and A.

It’s also a good source of fiber, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Believe it or not, it also contains protein, zinc, iron, and niacin.

Needless to say, broccoli is one vegetable you wan to add to your keto meal plan. And this broccoli keto soup just makes it easier.

Even if you’re not a fan of broccoli, try this soup. This soup will absolutely change your mind about how you feel about this green veggie.

It’s filling, creamy, and super tasty.

It’s also low-carb and perfectly keto.

If you want something hearty and healthy, this cheesy soup can be your new favorite dish.

Grab the recipe here.

3. Chicken Avocado Lime Keto Soup

7 Hearty Keto Soup Recipes That'll Warm Your Soul (3)

I don’t know about you, but I love all things zesty and savory. And this soup perfectly fits the bill.

Everything about this keto soup recipe screams delicious goodness.

It’s nutritious, clean, yet has just the right amount of creaminess.

If you want a blend of light and richness, then this keto chicken soup is it.

And if you are an avocado lover, you’ll love this recipe even more.

Avocado is a staple keto diet food that’s uber nutritious and very good for your health.

1 avocado contains 20 different nutrients and vitamins. It’s full of monounsaturated fatty acids with dietary fiber.

So any recipe with this super fruit is a good addition to my keto diet.

And even if you are not all that skillful in the kitchen, you have nothing to worry about.

It’s easy to make and fairly fail-proof.

In case you are wondering, tortilla chips are optional. If you have non-keto eaters in the house, I suggest you top theirs with a few chips. It’d add nice crunchiness. But if you need to keep carbs low, you can completely omit it.

I suggest you top yours with cheese and sour cream.

It’ll be a nice warm bowl of comforting soup you’d want in the winter.

Get this ultimate winter soup recipe here.

4. Keto Creamy Garlic Chicken Soup

7 Hearty Keto Soup Recipes That'll Warm Your Soul (4)

This is the creamiest soup I ever had. It’s so flavorful and full of really amazing flavors.

This soup recipe is perfect for pairing with a salad and keto bread. It’s great as a lunch or light dinner.

If you are particularly craving something filling and nutritious, this soup is it.

My favorite part is it’s low-carb yet very filling. You’ll have no problem feeling full after one bowl.

But I suggest you make extra for the next day. Seriously, it’s that good.

It’s my favorite and go-to keto chicken soup recipe I can proud to give to others. Get the recipe fromKetogasm.

5. Vegetable Keto Low-Carb Soup

7 Hearty Keto Soup Recipes That'll Warm Your Soul (5)

When living a keto lifestyle, is easy to skip on veggies because of the low-carb restrictions. But you don’t have to because there are plenty of low-carb vegetables you can eat on keto.

This vegetable soup recipe is friendly to low-carb dieters including keto.

On top of it, it’s also dairy-free and gluten-free.

But not to worry. It’s not one of those tasteless, boring soups.

It’s still full of flavors and broth from veggies is divine.

It’s not rich, but it’s very clean, soothing, and refreshing.

In fact, you can call it a soul-soothing soup.

It’s the kind of soup you want on a cold winter day with a book in your hand. The veggies in the soup are from the season, of course.

So be sure to pick up some in-season carrots, purple cauliflower, and tomatoes. If you don’t have any of the veggies, you can also easily improvise and substitute.

It’s a 10-minute recipe, so feel free to add this to your collection of weeknight keto dinner recipes.

Get the recipe from brookelark.com.

6. Keto Cream of Zucchini Soup

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Zucchini is another keto-friendly veggie, and you can use it in a variety of dishes on the keto diet.

This zucchini cream soup is one of those recipes.

With just 5 ingredients, not counting salt and pepper is all it takes to make this delicious soup.

If you need a soup that’s simple, easy-to-make, and just simply delicious, try this soup.

This cream of zucchini is that kind of no-fuss soup anyone can make using a veggie that’s in season.

Get the recipe from skinnytaste.com

7. Low-Carb Chicken Taco Keto Soup

7 Hearty Keto Soup Recipes That'll Warm Your Soul (7)

I love everything taco, so when I came across this recipe, I instantly fell in love with it.

This low-carb chicken taco soup is delicious and if you are a taco lover, you’d love it too.

But there is a catch. You’d need a slow cooker for this taco soup recipe.

If you have one, you’ll love how easy it is to make this Mexican soup.

Once you have all of the 6 ingredients, you are good to go.

Chicken, cream cheese, ranch dressing mix, southwestern/taco seasoning, Ro-tel, and chicken broth.

Just toss everything in the slow cooker and voila dinner is ready!

This recipe makes a lot of soup. Be sure to have tapper wares ready so you can freeze the leftovers for a quick meal later.

It tastes great reheated too.

Get the recipe fromPlain Chicken. and enjoy!!

Takeaway Message

There’s nothing more soothing than some delicious, hot soups in the winter to keep you warm. If you’re eating the ketogenic diet, these low-carb keto soup recipes will be your salvation.

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7 Hearty Keto Soup Recipes That'll Warm Your Soul (2024)


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