FOX News Sunday : FOXNEWSW : January 22, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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i am shannon bream a new round of classified items on the president's and new concerns about financial fallout as the u.s. hits the debt limit again. >> if they went to play a game of chicken we will play a game of chicken. >> we played these games are for should not be dumped across the treasury department now buying time with extort neri measures as republicans bigger with the white house. >> a present has been clear on this should not be used as a political weapon pickwick swing district moderate republicans are calling for the president to drop the take it or leave it

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approach and come to the table promote sit down for a bipartisan conversation with two cochairs from the problem solver caucus for republican brian fitzpatrick democrat josh gottheimer joined me too talk about how to find consensus on the debt limit, immigration and marts of "fox news sunday" exclusive. then. thousands of pro-life advocates come to the nation's capitol for the first of march for life since the supreme court overturned roe v wade. we look at the legal state of play not abortion laws are up to the states it. and sit down for conversation with prominent voices from both sides. and eight months after the president leak of a draft supreme court ruling, there are still no answers from the high court about the leaker. >> the only way you going to stop us in the futures make sure you find out who did it and hold them accountable. craig: we will ask jan. shannon: will ask her sunday panel up will ever find out who

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did it. all right now on "fox news sunday". ♪. shannon: hello from foxnews in washington. breaking overnight at least 10 people are dead and another 10 injured after a mass shooting at near los angeles. it happened late last night at a dance club and moderate park, california. ghosts were a lunar new year celebration have been taking place. authorities say they believe the shooter is mail and at this time it appears a person is not custody. no word yet on a motive. deputies say they are reviewing security video in that area moderate park is about 10 miles east of los angeles. will keep you updated on any development to begin and from there. also broken this morning the justice department seized more classified documents for the presidents private residence just this week. that is the haves as president biden prepares to speak in person with house speaker kevin mccarthy to discuss the new congress, a range of challenges there were they disagree and that of course includes the debt

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limit. congress is facing a deadline to strike a deal or risk a financial crisis as a treasury department steps and to avoid a government default. in a moment will chat with two moderate lawmakers republican congress meant ryan fitzpatrick of pennsylvania democratic congressman josh gottheimer of new jersey by the china press their way into the most polarized policy debates find solutions but first let's turn to lucas tomlinson outside the white house where there is a multiple developing stories this morning, hello lucas. >> shannon the presence facing renewed criticism after more classified documents were found in his wilmington, delaware home for the fbi conducted the se search. the president facing a debt ceiling fight amid reports his top aide is leaving. cooks might have chief of staff ron klain could stepped on the cup coming weeks the biggest administration departure since president biden took office two years ago the move was expected. klain has been abide inside the legislative triumphs of his first two years.

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enter a supreme court confirmation. but also through major controversies like the disastrous u.s. departure from afghanistan. maybe best known for helping the president passed a massive spending bills, like the $1.9 trillion covid relief plan. the 1 trillion-dollar infrastructure bill, and the inflation reduction act. critics say the spending help accelerate the current inflation crisis. and added to the national debt. edit 2000 the debt was just over $5 trillion. it has climbed to over $31 trillion today. it is money already spent. and now the u.s. is over its borrowing limit which could put the credit rating at risk. >> you threaten default, to threaten economic catastrophe nobody democrat or republican should do that no matter how much they believe in their agenda. >> republicans say they need spending cuts they raise the debt limit higher. the white house says raise the limit. no negotiations.

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>> it is a basic responsibility that congress has to deal the debt ceiling. top democratic leader on tuesday but he also plans to host kevin mccarthy, the first meeting since mccarthy became house speaker. mccarthy responding, president biden i accept your invitation to sit down and discuss a responsible debt ceiling increase. to address irresponsible government spending. a white house official spinning this differently. calling it a quote general meeting not a negotiation. all this while the president faces continued discussions over his handling of classified documents. majority leader tells fox. >> that should apply to everyone equally. in that case like this it's one more example they are not being applied equally to democrats as heir to republicans. >> entered democratic senators jim manchin, tim kaine are also calling for a full investigation where they're both up in 2024.

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shannon: lucas tomlinson reported for the white house, lucas thank you very much. joining us now cochairs of the house and problem solvers caucus democratic congressman of new jersey josh gottheimer republican of pennsylvania brian fitzpatrick welcome back to "fox news sunday". >> thanks for having us. shannon: let's start here the headlines overnight are not the once a white house want to see another discovery of classified material the presidents wilmington home. jonathan turley well known to the audience professor and constitutional scholar tweets this, with the latest discovery there is no real question that they biden documents were grossly mishandled. there only remains who was responsible question: the discovery of documents at yet another location used by the president is crushing for his defense team. he says he sent everything right he has no regrets. congressman gottheimer should be at this point? >> i think we have seen the justice department is conducting an ongoing investigation. that is the proper process here.

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you want to get to the bottom of the things full cooperation. i think that's what you need to do here. the white house needs to cooperate with the justice department that's of them and doing for months that's in stark comparison to the other investigation of classified documents with former president trump. i think as long as the white house does what it should do which is cooperate fully so we can get to the bottom of the sets the appropriate process. and of course in a louder sense we should understand and any white house whether it's the last white house or this one have any documents we get out for the key is to make sure it never happens. shannon: also in contrast is effective in ongoing negotiations with this justice department. with the biden white house and a legal team. there was an agreement for them to be there together friday during the search. but what we found is leading more questions than answers for a lot of folks. any mccarthy former federal prosecutor tweeted this out but it's not six classified documents this latest discovery awkwardly worded statement by

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the biden team i.e. spin is favorable as biden's possible six items consisting of documents of classified markings and we don't know what they meant by item, boxed, envelope, or how many classified documents in each item? there is a special counsel investigation already underway. you heard lucas tomlinson site maybe some democrat senators are also interested. connor spent fitzpatrick anywhere at the house gop is going to overreach on this? are they over politicizing it? >> two things are true. they can never be taken out of a skiff ever. or more fbi that currently on the intelligence committees number one part number to call it weedy equal application of the law but that's were going to make sure that we ensure. we are going to do a deep dive into the circ*mstances surrounding the prior investigation for both them with classified documents. making sure the law is applied equally across-the-board but that's what the american people are demanding.

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shannon: the wall street journal have reported a conversation between the two teams abide inside, the d.o.j. said about whether i fbi agents or others should be doing the searches now that we are on number five. "washington post" also has this the white house was hoping to keep this whole thing quiet. the white house was hoping for a squeegee and trade speedy hoping discloses matter only after justice issues all clear. but the approach would prompt issues biden's team had purposely kept the public in the dark. congressman gottheimer we know all this started before the midterms. you get the perception there are differences in the way the d.o.j. handles republican and democrat cases? >> there is a huge difference the fact you look at the lesson ministration calmly trump administration and what happened at mar-a-lago part there's refusal to cooperate for nearly a year. there is obstruction, needed subpoenas, president trump did not come forward. and offer up his documents he

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kept them locked up. this administration i believe has cooperated in a constructive way with the justice department from the beginning. they didn't take months, they did not stop with the president wasn't trying to hold up these documents as trophies. it is a huge difference for the bottom line is this and brian is exactly right when you have full cooperation investigation police hits the bottom of what hap happened. why and when to understand everything. and in a broader sense to make sure no white house, no administration is ever able to handle classified documents this way and take them of the white house in a classified setting. i think we should get to the bottom of both. i think we should run a reasonable process and that's what's happening right now. shannon: members of congress may have more of a hand in that in the coming weeks and months. there is a piece again any mccarthy speaking out on this sink after the white house is said there are no logs that this is a personal home in the passage of the present x he does work from there, their questions about whether there are logs of visitors or people who would have been your.

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any mccarthy writes this and very confident of the agency mean the secret service believed it was in the interest of the present security the information would be produced for the bureau at warp speed. we have got at least one source and test the secret service is prepared to conform some information about visitors there but congress is going to have to ask. congressman fitzpatrick will you do that? >> we will. there's multiple ways to gather evidence and conduct investigations but obviously visitors log can be very helpful at that exist. there's other forms of evidence. surveillance, physical surveillance, witness interviews, there's a whole host of ways to collect evidence. certainly we are going to make sure of this at the bureau does their job and investing in this case for it again they've got to apply the law equally that's very, very important for people in america to faith and confidence in our justice system. it's a system i worked in for a long time is very important for me that they do things the right way. some of the american public has confidence in it that requires

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equal application of the law consistent standards on investigations, that's what we are going to make sure happens. shannon: you all are trying to make sure something else happens is we do not default on her credit ratings and you are negotiating and talking actively about the debt ceiling in a deal that could possibly come together by the white house says note negotiations at all but we know that's not practical given some of the demands of house gop members that spending cuts and other things he included in order to get the rope. our edward lawrence at foxbusiness has been reported, congressman fitzpatrick you been looking and debt to gdp ratio potential if you hit a certain number of automatic cuts kick in. can you give us any sense of where those negotiations are? what would be the ratio? how the world do you decide which programs automatically get cut in that scenario? >> the first thing that has to happen, shannon, speaker mccarthy's midsummer overtures of the white house. he wants to sit down to work a reasonable solution out pretty hope the white house accepts his offer fact there's a white house

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offer speaker mccarthy the opportunity to come in, hope that happens. shannon: they say it's not going to be a negotiation of the debt ceiling. quickset is a problem that is a problem that's not leadership. when you have a divided government republican in the house democrat margin in the senate divided chambers you have to negotiate. that is what the american people elected us to do is to work this out. so nobody should be taken the position we are not going to negotiate that's very irresponsible. pretending to your question, shannon, when they were going to offer up as a possible bridge building solution is to go right at the 1917 lot self that establish the debt limit. it established as a number eight numerical dollar amount which doesn't make any sense. we think we are practically speaking should be in debt to gdp ratio for a 2008 our debt to gdp was about 40%. it's about 40%. et cetera hundred 5% less unsustainable. we have a child that has a

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spending problem we do two things you pay their bills, you take away the credit card but you do not do one you do both. that's what has to happen here. what we are going to propose is whatever it negotiate and that we can agree on and a debt to gdp ratio having a period thereafter and if that does not happen certain forms automatically kick it on the discretionary side but we are still putting me on those bones. me and josh are going to work through our proposed solution. the first thing that is got to happen, shannon the president has to sit now speaker mccarthy, speaker mccarthy offered to operate in good faith i hope he does super. >> a washington post's senior democrat in congress as it had conversation white house chief of staff who may soon be leaving essentially said no holds ba barred. it will be no negotiations. got to make it look like we are the responsible ones of the republicans are essentially irresponsible trying to get entitlements in this kind of things. congressman gottheimer can you work with that if that's a strategy, that is the theory,

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how do you move the ball at all? >> i've had conversations with the white house and just this. i'm optimistic they will sit down as this white house always has. we accomplished much in a bipartisan way last congress. takes constructive conversations. i think there are things reasonable and the table and things are unreasonable gunning social security medicare is obvious on the unreasonable side. shannon: the speaker said is not on the table. just to be clear the speaker has said that is a talking point and republicans are not going to do that. >> by the way that is great. i don't think it should be on the table. things like 30% sales tax should not be on the table. there are plenty of things that should be. brian and i and the caucus are having discussions. i think the white house see kevin mccarthy and the president will be sitting down with this president will bespeak sitting down that's a good thing. but we can't just put full faith and credit of the united states of america at risk. we cannot put people's 401ks at

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risk. we need to have these constructive conversations make sure we raise the debt limit responsibly so people can have faith in our country and our currency. we can also talk about our fiscal help do that and a responsible way. i think we need to both. i am optimistic everyone will sit down we will work this out because we have no other choice we have to work this out. shannon: quickly congressman fitzpatrick with that in mind in the reported departure of klain will his departure affect how you work with this administration? >> i don't think so. again we are going to let our speaker take the lead on this with his negotiation. josh and i are going to offer our solution that hopefully can be constructive. i don't believe it's going to affect our alert relationship with the white house when we've had a constructive relationship with the mets are jobless representatives no matter what party we are from us to do our part to make government work. we worked well with a lot of people over there and expect that to continue. shannon: the american people wish you well trying to find solutions to the most

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treacherous problems we have now. congressman thank you both for joining us. >> thanks. shannon: up next the presence downplay concerns about how we handle classified materials from years ago as another batch is found his wellington home for a special council is ramping up to investigate. were going to bring our sunday group to discuss all of this, next. you can cashback 5% on travel purchased through chase with freedom unlimited and buy a better plane seat... switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? oh! hold up! earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we support immune function. supply fuel for immune cells and sustain tissue health. ensure with twenty-five vitamins and minerals, and ensure complete with thirty grams of protein. why are 93% of sleep number sleepers very satisfied with their bed? maybe it's because you can gently raise your partner's head to help relieve snoring.

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concerns a week so question is how we handle the discovery and disclosure of classified documents from his time in the obama administration. now they may be as far back as a senate career it's the percentage of usa today white house correspondent francesca chambers performers spokesperson marie harf. josh holmes, fox news analyst raymond arroyo. welcome panel if only there something to discuss today. [laughter] he said there so they are, there but perhaps there's another batch of their, their the fifth and bash on fridays d.o.j. and fbi agents were actually there. jonathan turley writes us about the president's statement i have no regrets. he shrugged off the entire matter is akin to borrowing at neighbors hammer in his garage. gross mishandling classified evidence the last thing you want to do is convey a grossly negligent attitude toward the discovery of highly classified material in your various private spaces. josh, new heading for the white house this morning? >> as it ever but he has deep

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regrets. especially coming out so forcefully this whole thing is of you not going to find anything more. we are done inherently handle documents, nothing to see here. well, every day it seems like everyone has a cup of coffee has a treasure trove of documents behind it. now d.o.j. is biting it. the biggest issue as we turn forward is the access piece to it. with mar-a-lago raid son a one room the access is fairly limited. it's in the garage within certain office space. we do not know who has access to the staff. that is the biggest question going forward. shannon: or times opinion piece is abiding when viewed on question at the time to exaggerate the number of democrat exaggeration for squandering a huge political advantage on the mar-a-lago story and for muddying what have been the best chance to convict trump on federal charges, marie? >> reason no documents are found biden's personal attorneys invited the department of justice into look for them for a couple was not think of six last

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night. they are fully cooperating for the biden team will tell you what we are fully cooperating prepared biting them in that is in stark contrast to donald trump who repeatedly lied. he and his attorney said to the federal government. he claimed they were his that he declassified them. we have no idea who had access to them mar-a-lago but we know they have been security concerns there. what i preferred not to be talking about this on "fox news sunday" as a democrat? of course i went. i think at the end of the day the distinction between having biden team has handled it, inviting d.o.j. and, fully cooperating. let them look into whatever they can compare to the trump team which every single turn really pushed back, even lied to the fbi and the archives. think at the end of the date that distinction will be quite clear to people. shannon: raiment some people point to the distinction of washington most a wall street journal if there conversations of the biden team with d.o.j. ongoing will let you guys investigated. now will have the perception

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there is a different standard of how to handle things. >> are seems to be a different standard here. look, you private and personal lawyers going in and looking and discovering these caches. did they have security

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situation now is unfolding. we're told in torrents that's at the hawthorne in sepulveda placed on the scene. have a swat team. they've swarmed a white van potentially linked to the suspect. there were reports that a white cargo van was seen leaving in the side of the shooting at the dance hall, los angeles county sheriff robert luna had confirmed that witnesses in a separate incident had seen the suspect also flee in a white cargo van . this is in torrents that potentially could be, uh, the van. the second incident, as i said, was about half an hour afterwards, and there are conflicting reports. no motive , but conflicting reports about this shooter something he wasn't asian or is an asian man . so we do not have or tell any confirmation yet. and what sparked this horrible mass

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shooting? whether it was a hate crime, or it was a personal grudge over and eta or exactly what the motive is, but right now, as you can see on your screen police apparently have cornered a suspect in a white cargo van. uh and we'll see how this unfolds aren't there? so eric. of course, there are lots of questions right now surrounding this horrible shooting. this happened in monterey park. it is a neighborhood in california right outside of los angeles. as you said, were a lot of asians live torrents where this standoff that we're trying to get some details on is taking place is also an area where a lot of asian people live. earlier sheriff luna described the suspect in the shooting in monterey park as an asian male . so if you start to see a trail happening here again, we don't know investigators is their job to piece everything together, but this is what i am doing in my reporting telling

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you what i know of those areas . the other thing, eric immediately when we heard of this reporting of a shooting a mass shooting. at luna park celebration that is attended by mostly asian people. the minute we heard, sheriff luna say, the suspect, as they know it at the moment is an asian male. then you automatically take hate crime off the table. however it is possible as all asians. the asian community is not a monolith, and there is again i'm not speaking. factual. i'm speaking anecdotally, anecdotally anecdotally. now there is, uh there facts inside the asian community. let's say it's possible. for they're to be hatred within the communities. let's say if you're a japanese person may not like a korean person, a korean person may not like a chinese person. a chinese person may not like vietnamese people so you cannot take off

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erase a hate crime immediately because the shooter is now being described as an asian male. do you get get what? i'm telling you both communities as you say, a predominantly asian american. we will have to wait and get more information from authorities about the motive about this potential suspect. coleman has been following the story since it broke has the very latest she is a monterey park, where the first shooting the one that took the 10 lives in that ballroom occurred. christina was the latest from there. hi hi, eric. you know, at a lot of moving parts in the preliminary stages of this investigation, we are here at the crime scene that dance hall where that shooting occurred is just on the other side. here you have. police have blocked off this area as they investigate to try and collect evidence for this mass shooting to try and bring that suspect to justice. we just got images of a suspect. go ahead and take a look at this. this was released from the l. a county

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sheriff's office. they put these images out. they described the suspect as being between 5 10. around 5 10 height wise about £150. they described him as a male asian man of dark complexion. that is what they have listed under their suspect description. they say investigators have identified him as a homicide suspect, and he should be considered armed and dangerous . and of course, they are asking anyone with information on this to go ahead and contact authorities again. 10 people were killed in this incident. and 10 were injured in the shooting. the condition of the injured victims range from stable to critical again. that shooting happened shortly before 10 30 last night at the star ballroom dance studio here in monterey park, just east of downtown los angeles. the shooting occurred near the site where thousands of people had gathered yesterday to celebrate lunar new year's eve. there is

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a large asian population in this area. you can see balloon you'd see a lot of stuff set up for the festivities here. authorities have not stated a motive in this case. but again, they say they do not know if this is a hate crime. as arthel mentioned, you know it, even though this man they're describing the suspect as asian , there is a possibility that there is still an element to this that could warrant investigators to determine that this is a hate crime. so we have to wait and see again at the very preliminary stages of this investigation. and again, law enforcement responded to that other scene where witnesses say they saw a white van speed off, you know, officers had identified that vehicle as a vehicle of interest were also told one of our producers, we have another crew on the way to torrance, where officers are responding to an incident with that with a white van, they say it's unclear if it's connected to the suspect. but again a very

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fluid situation here. this shooting happened just hours. was ago. it's having a huge impact on this community. you have lots and lots of people gathered around here. just kind of looking taking it all in there in shock. it's incredibly heartbreaking. a lot of people praying and hoping that those victims they pull through because again, you have 10 of them and their conditions range from stable to critical, so hopefully they're conditions do not worsen. we do not know the extent of their injuries, but again a very graphic and brutal crime scene. i spoke with a resident who lives around here. he went out to the seen last night after he saw emergency vehicles speed by, he said. it was just a lot to take in. and you know, there's that that fear here because again they do not have a suspect arrested and that is something that is very concerning to the people here in this community. back to you. and meanwhile meanwhile, kristina there is a standoff situation again. these details are loose at this moment, as you well know, at the

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intersection of sepulveda in hawthorne boulevard in torrance , another heavily asian population there in that area as well and again, as authorities are trying to connect the dots, continuing their their investigation. they're in monterey park are those authorities first responders? they're saying anything about what? they're hearing from their counterparts there in torrance. no, they are not. they have not stated that they are going to cannes to state or confirm that these two incidents whatever they're responding to their and torrance is connected. i am hearing we are hearing that a another press conference is going to happen shortly around this time, actually, so we're waiting to hear and see what could come of that again. a lot of people want to know what's going on. in this case. a standoff obviously very, very concerning deeply troubling, and so hopefully we'll get more details and get the bottom of this cartel. yeah and as you

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said, the people there are in shock, because, remember, this is supposed to be a day of celebration. and now it has turned to a day of tragedy and morning. absolutely you know the sheriff, he said the l. a county sheriff in his press conference that he considers this to be one of the most heinous cases for this county. we all hear of sadly of these mass shootings that occur, but you also hear from the witnesses and people live around. they never expected to happen close to them, but it has for the people in this community and they want some answers. they want to know why someone would do this again the new year's eve for the lunar new year, i mean, a lot of people out here celebrating, they're happy they have their kids. kids they're out. there is a lot of older people who live in this community who are just walking up and down the street. so obviously people very concerned about their parents and grandparents, not sure who the suspect is and why someone would do this. why someone would take the lives of these innocent people during what should be such a very

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happy time. so hopefully again, we'll get some more details on this shortly and figure out if there is a motive, a motive has been identified. in this case, arthel and you, you make a great observation there, christina pointing out how you have elderly people out there because this is a generational celebration. this might be the one time that some of those elderly actually come out and get involved in such an event. so you are there standing by in monterey park. we're waiting for this press conference and right now stand by for us, christina right now i'm going to toss it to eric, and he's going to speak with steve rogers. christina as you wait for this news conference to begin to get more information, let's bring in retired detective and former fbi joint chairs and task force members. steve rogers, who is with us now, steve, what does this say to you? if anything that the suspect is an asian man, the lunar new year widely celebrated. this is a massive two day celebration in monterey park. that's very well known, and everyone at the end, they go off to parties and celebrate

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and events. they were in this ballroom, and then i have been to events that were targeted, and certainly this does appear to be terrorism. is it hate is it you know, inter racial type paid? what do you see? happening here romantic, for example. we just don't know the motive. what is so far? any of this tell you what we don't. but i can tell you that the key to finding this individual is going to be a lot of groundwork by the police. a lot of interviews a lot of looking at videos. any video available. anyone in there who maybe was videotaping the celebration and somewhere captured the photograph of this individual? hate crime. i don't know. as you say, could have been something of a bone of contention the individual had with the owners of this establishment, so it's going to be a lot of ground work going on. i believe they'll eventually get this catch this individual, but it's going to be as i said, a lot of interviews a lot of reviewing a

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video footage not only any video that may have been in the establishment, but outside the establishment in houses and other stores, etcetera if we have the video of the photo oh, the there it is right. there appears to be an asian man who was the suspect that police are saying the videos of him you have one shooting 10 people killed at one bar room. then over that one in monterey park , and then he has over and about half an hour later or so , a suspect does the same thing at another bar room and that case they're able to wrestle the gun away from the guy. he flees. so you have this standoff now, the suspect a suspect in a cargo van, a white van. similar to that seen at both sites, according to witnesses. how to police get him to surrender peacefully, potentially well, they're they're going to do a lot of negotiating with him. uh i've done some of that. in the past.

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it's going to take some criminal profile, as if you will will be on the scene and they'll be looking at the are listening to if there's any reaction, the behavior if they could see him, it's going to take a lot of talking to this individual to actually surrendered himself. but i must tell you, it's so important for police to capture him alive. it's so important to have this injury. individuals survive any kind. confrontation with the police. because we'll find out if more people were involved in any planning. if this was an individual, lone wolf if you will, but taking him alive, it was fundamentally and critically important. in order for the police to pursue this investigation. it won't end with his capture. that's probably the most difficult part of the investigation to see if there was anyone else involved or if anyone knew that this was going to happen. yeah, that's an interesting point. i mean, oftentimes there's sometimes there are threats. people you know, show up or there's certainly is generally a social media type history and

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presence that sometimes can point to motives to hatreds. resentments to anger and you brought out to the owner of the bar room or both barrooms or maybe against people celebrating because you're a lone wolf anti social type person and this is the way in your mind. you can get back at society by by what? we've seen that before by walking and conducting a mass shooting and was so shocking, especially is that it happened in the asian american community. well that is shocking. that's very unusual, but everything you brought up a very good point. look, you and i have discussed many of these shootings around the country, and inevitably we find out that there was indeed a social media footprint. there were things written on an internet. there were discussions in chat rooms, and that's where we always remind people. look if your instinct is telling you someone's going to do something very violent. you need to make a phone call. and let the police know and i'm sure they'll follow up rather rapidly and view the fact of what's going on across this

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country. but yep, something could have been said maybe he had a bone of contention with the owner. maybe there was a romantic situation going on with someone at this particular location. a lot of maybes, but catching him alive is critically important, and all those questions will be answered. and you've done that with suspects walk us through. the psychological aspects of talking to someone there there in in a frenzied state of mind in an usually and completely unstable mental state, emotions running high, you know you how do you establish contact with them? one of the methods is to deliver coffee. a lot to keep them talking and try to get them away from any weapons, especially well, yeah, i mean, deliver coffee? yes good point and up to speak to them. i've spoken to them about their family. how's your mom? how's your dad? do you have any kids? you want to try to make that person understand that you are not an adversary to hurt them,

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but you want to be a person who is coming to help them and it takes quite some time to do that. but you could certainly calm people down. if you speak to them calmly if you speak to them in a way that they don't feel that they're threaten what has to be done, and this is for the criminal private profile is more than anyone else. they have to establish. hopefully that this person doesn't want to die because if you get a person like that, who's who watched it die, they're going to come out blazing at some point. and you'll have no choice but to kill them, and obviously no one wants to do on the phone with them, potentially right now. cell phone. we don't see anywhere near that van and we see the officers. basically just, you know, waiting as their communication. sometimes you have to deliver a cellphone to them, so there was some communication. i'm sure going on one way or the other with this individual. and if that

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person has it, cellphone? the question is, you know, how did they get the number of police get the number? or did that person make a call and said, here i am. many times cellphones would be delivered to individuals. and that's how they can establish communication. other times you're you're either yelling or you're not yelling violently, but raising your voice or th au can hear them, and that's when you offer them, uh, a friendly gesture. would you like a cup of coffee? are you hungry? let's talk about it. do you have any problems at home? and there are a lot of good experts in law enforcement who will actually approach this in a manner that it will not escalate. but the escalate alright, steve, thank you for standby. our 1000 talk to ted williams art thou. yes ted is, as you know, as a former d. c homicide detective and fox news contributor is on the phone right now. so here's what the we do know, ted, at this point we have. we're looking at live shots as we speak of torrance, california. what we have is the

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monterey park shooting suspect reportedly shot himself in his inside the vehicle. surrounded by police. this is happening in torrance again near sepulveda and hawthorne boulevard. now monterey park, where the shooting took place is about a 35 to 45 minute drive to torrents. the description we have is an asian male dark complexion. and he is now a homicide suspect. what dots? can you connect at this early stage in this investigation? all i can tell you the first thing law enforcement is having to do in that scene is to be very, very patient. uh, they have this white ban surrounded , so the first thing they want to do is to run those tags and to try to see if they can connect the tags with the individual that's in the band at this immediate time. um so they're trying to learn as much as they can about the occupant

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of that van. now is it pertains to be the monterey ballroom shooting and, ah, an individual and stay on a day was that another location? they will know if there is any nexus between the two because what they're going to do is whatever rounds of ammunition they may have found at either one of those locations they are connecting. the dots to try to determine the of the one individual. perhaps that's in the white van is, in fact, the individual who was involved in the second shoot. oh, so that's part and parcel of what is going on. now you've got swat teams. are they all that are on the scene there, and those individuals specifically trained for these kinds of incidents, and they have specifically trained as it pertains to these are situations where someone is

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held up under the circ*mstance this year, so, uh, there's a lot of moving parts that are going on in this immediate time . um but what we do know is that the individual is there is someone in that white van. now if you noticed law enforcement in in the rear of the ban or somewhat do it down, there are not so that tells me that they know a great deal of more about what is going on in that van immediate time. and the way they do that is that they have at times robots, and they have cameras that they can actually see are in that van. and given that they would know if this suspect inside of that van if he did shoot himself, because that's the really early information that we have that

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he reportedly shot himself and he's inside this vehicle now surrounded by police, they would know that correct they would know that and what they will do is move on additional equipment in. to try to see if the person is still moving or if the person is still conscious or energy. you look at on the screen right now. you can see that they are moving. more individuals are more armored personnel carriers. into a bad area. so this is all part and parcel of the investigation. this is a big part of the investigation, of course, is to try to find out number one is the person conscious number two. if he is conscious, can they talk him out of coming out of the van? or if he's unconscious, or perhaps even dead? uh they don't want to take any action

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or that would put them in harm's way. you mean the swat team. so what they're doing right now is being very, very patient. and that is a wise position to take. and as we know everybody in this day and age has a cell phone. so if the person inside of that white van has a cell phone, they would be able to know that and get the number i'd imagine and perhaps give him a call. absolutely if they're able to connect the dots between let's say running the license plates and finding out who the owner of that van, and as you know, at the monterey, um, location of the shooting, they put out a picture of a suspect so they would know that if the license tags on that white van that they have is associated with someone, and they would have a

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picture of that person or in their driver's license, should we say what they would be able to do is to know whether there is a connection in the if there's a connection, quite naturally, what they want to do. yes to try to have some contact with the person, but what they're not going to do is put themselves in harm's way because they know that they can wait this person out. by having this band surrounded and if you notice failed in the back that then you have this armored personnel carrier, and you can see that the law enforcement officers standing down, so that tells me that they know a great deal more about what is happening in that van. and before i let you go. you mentioned that you know, there will be shell casings there in monterey park so they would be able to detectors would be able to determine what type of, uh gun or weapon was used so they

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would know if, in fact, this is the suspect in that van, they would know exactly what type of weapons he may have on himself. absolutely and that's significant and important to law enforcement of because they themselves do not want to be in harm's way. so quite naturally , david want to know what if any, kind of a weapon that he may very well have in that van that may very well have been used at either one of the two other sites or that there was shootings. ted stand by for us . we're gonna let eric to bring back steve rogers. so stand by please. ted williams. thank you, ted and ted. one thing that attracts me, steve, and he just mentioned that north our referencing that is the nonchalant way. the tactical officer swat team behind the armored personnel carrier just standing around that could appear that they're standing down and as a longtime street reporter, the site were at usually in these types of incidences. police will stage the media at a site so that

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we're not in danger with this camera or camera has a direct line of sight to that driver's window, so it is very possible that that suspect is dead. we have the report that he shot himself that they are now the suspect is dead. they are awaiting the corridor to rival awaiting this news conference to begin any moment now, and i would tell you, steve, from my experience that no way would our news that what the police department put the news media in line of sight of a gunman who can open fire at random? i've been to these sites you go around the corner, they stay just never in line of sight of a gunman. what can you tell from these clues? do you think it's possible that that gunman isn't is in the van and his debt? well ted williams, my colleague brings up a very, very good point. and he used the word patients. uh he could be dead. we're using words like he could be. this could be this. this could be that the police aren't certain. but as ted said, they probably have a lot more information than we

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know. but in view of the fact that they still don't have at least as far as we know their eyes on the individual, is he dead? is he wounded? is he somewhere in the van hiding and waiting for the police to approach so patience is very, very important. of course, if we see a coroner's office vehicle comes up well, that that tells it all that that the individual has expired. but as i said earlier that the goal of the police in this case is to try to get this person alive. and unfortunately for the sake of the investigation, if that person took their life that just complicates the investigation a bit more patience, patience, patience. we've learned that police work our entire career. let's see. it seems unlikely that we would be able to be in line of sight with the van if he was alive and had a gun on him, and they would be in those positions. well that's right, having said that if he is deceased, and he shot himself in his man and he is dead, and we're waiting for

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the coroner. we talked earlier about trying to piece this together in terms of the motive. people know him. people know him in the ballroom, social media friends comments. you know, they're trying to been trying to piece this all together in the horrible idaho murders. well absolutely right . direct look up. uh let's say he's deceased. then the police go to work on his social media prints, phone calls, phone records, friends, neighbors any contact he had and believe me once he's identified, there may be a multiple number of people in that establishment. who knows this individual? so there'll be a complete history of his life going way back who he talked to who he met who he spoke with. where did he get the weapon? that's another big question whether that come from so all these questions will be answered, uh, in due time, but the key now is they have to identify who this individual is , and then the police will be able to go out and connect a lot of these doubts. this also

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raised the issue oftentimes, if you go to the theater if you go to certain events and concerts i have a magnetometers in this sort of thing. you can't do this. i guess you can't do this at every single event if you have a big party or some big event, but this was a very well known today. huge public festival, uh, and private ballroom events in terms of security. should there be a reassessment, perhaps. sadly of when we've seen this in school shootings and the debate there when there were these types of shootings of a gathering of people. yeah i believe we've come to that point. i know many , uh few years ago i went to disney world, for example. and they checked you. your purses. your boxes. you were checked tsh checks at airports. it's unfortunately that we have come to this but rather be safe than sorry. so the cost of a metal detector it far far. uh well, we'll make it pay off so that we won't be paying a course of human life. yeah, it was. sadly

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that is the case and again. there has been the standoff but appears potentially that the suspect is deceased. because of the camera angle views that we have and the, uh, participation in strategy of the police officers who you see in a very kind of stand down position, as ted williams said. our tell, has some more breaking news coming in on the situation right there. yeah actually, what i want to do is go back to monterey park, where christina coleman is standing by unseen and christina. i understand you have some additional information to update us on. christina. okay? okay we don't have christina yet, but eric back to your conversation with steve rogers, and i think your observation was really good about the fact that this shot there from katie tv, our affiliate in los angeles. it is exactly in the line of that window. the front window the of that van, and that is an observation to be made. and

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also again i am very curious as to how the authorities from each location what their communication is, of course we we'll find out as we're waiting for a news conference to start but as i pointed out, you've got torrance, california is about a 35 to 45 minute drive from monterey, california. we are not sure if in fact that suspect in that white van is the suspect that police have been showing us the picture we have. it will show it again for you if it's the same person who is being the suspect being described as an asian male with a dark complexion, now a homicide suspect, and here is this photo of him. and let me go to christine. and i understand we have christina. i believe that you have some new information to report. what do you know? hi well, this is our high. can you can you hear me? can you hear me? yeah just you know, sources, sources tell sources telling us telling one

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of our crews that they do believe that the white van located in torrance is connected to the suspect. and you know that there was reporting again that you guys have have already mentioned that there were there were shots fired, you know regarding that vehicle that was pulled over initially was pulled over for a traffic stop. of course, this being the white van that pulled that officers believe could be a potential suspect vehicle. in this case, that is something that we are learning right now again. cruz here continue to come to this crime scene to try and figure out what happened. exactly why? what would motivate this suspect to go and kill these 10, innocent people and injure the victims, so the injured the victims that are injured. they are listed and stable through critical condition. so that is something that is of great concern. right now. a lot of people worried about the victims in this case, the victims that lost their lives in this awful tragedy again,

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more and more information continues to pour in. we have those two different scenes, right? we have this scene here, where the shooting occurred shortly after 10 o'clock last night at the dance hall. apparently there was report of another incident at a nearby dancehall that happened about 20 minutes after that, witnesses say that you know, a guy was rustled wrestled his gun away and that the suspect took off in a white van. that white van which, of course, the sheriff mentioned earlier this morning in this press conference, but again, a lot of moving parts here. we're waiting. a new a press conference is supposed to happen any minute now where we can get new details on this case, and hopefully i can bring you guys some more information. well christina, what you brought us so far is very interesting. i'm sure eric will discuss it with steve rogers, who's standing by this white van in torrance, california for reporting by christina coleman is connected to the shooting there in moderate california eric again all of this is

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preliminary. things could change, but that's what we know. right now. we're seeing this situation. steel. i bring you back in. so there was a report that reports that there was a white cargo van at both scenes, two shootings, so obviously police then fan out and stop all white vans that that they stop. and this obviously or potentially a traffic stop. what are your thoughts on that? it's a traffic stop. if this indeed is the suspect, they're either shot shots fired at the shoots himself or the police shoot him. he is dead now, potentially because of the as i pointed out the line of sight that we have to directly to that window. uh and you have a potential dead suspect. what are your thoughts on the magnificent police work to go out and immediately act on eyewitness accounts and try to probably stop almost every white van you can in the area. well it was extraordinary police work. quick response. i could tell you, erica kind of a relief that we're not dealing with two shooters that we're dealing with one and this is

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how important it is for police to get on the ground. start talking with people talk to witnesses. they did that, and that's how they came up with the description of the white van. so quick response. who knows what that individual would have done if the police did not capture him at this point in time, but again, you get the public involved. you get the police coordinating all this activity with other police departments as quickly as they did. the suspect is now eliminated the suspect potentially likely dead because of what we've been seeing in the situation will get an update. of course, from a news conference any moment now as we are waiting for that from authorities, arthel yeah, well, we will definitely stay with this story. and right now what we will do is hand over this coverage to gillian turner and illusion, but eric and i were going to stand by for a second. i understand we're not ready to toss to them yet, but they will be coming up. but let let me recap what we do know. so we

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have right now. this live situation here in torrance, california, where police have surrounded this white van there. apparently they caught him during a traffic stop. you had a white van at both scenes. and now you have a white van, potentially with the suspect in the white van reports from christina coleman, saying that that ban is connected to the situation in monterey, california it is possible that this asian male as he's being described the suspect would dark complexion. now a homicide suspect, perhaps did shoot himself. we don't know to your observation, eric. we do have a line of sight and with the posture of the police behind the swat van, they seem to be on a stand down position. so it seems that right now that is under control. whatever is happening in that van, it does not appear to be a threat to anyone, sir, surrounded so it's a it's a sad turn of events on what was supposed to be a wonderful celebration of the

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lunar new year in the happening originally in the asian community of monterey park, not only occupied by asian residents, but heavily, uh, very heavy population of asian residents there, so we'll continue to piece together of this horrible, horrible turn of events. but right now, eric baw gillian and bill in washington. gillian: fox news alert, we're awaiting an update out of the l.a. county sheriff's department. overnight there a gunman opened pyre inside a ballroom dance club as people were gathered to celebrate the chinese lunar new year. ten people died, at least ten others injured and transported to local hospitals. this was a mass shooting that that took place in monterey park, california, overnight. welcome to "fox news live," i'm gillian turner. bill: and i'm bill melugin. the suspect still at large, he is described as an asian male.

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