Gutfeld! : FOXNEWSW : July 15, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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making america wealthy again, making america safe again. >> we'll hear from nikki haley tomorrow night, which was unexpected, and then wednesday is the vice-president's big night. and thursday, of course, donald trump, the 45th president, will take the stage for his big moment here on this stage in milwaukee. and extraordinary open, lots of energy here tonight. we'll see how the rest of the week goes, bret. >> everyday americans are going to factor in big. you've saw some of them talking about affordability. you saw some of them talking about struggles. we'll see more as this convention continues throughout the week. thanks for joining us on night one of the republican national convention. >> we'll be right back here tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. eastern, but stay right here for a live edition of "gutfeld" from mill we cany. that will be fun. it starts right now -- milwaukee. >> let the band play us out.

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[ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> greg: alright nice little view their work happy monday everyone. it is great being in milwaukee luverne in the streets and surely in the sheets. so over the weekend, president trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempts and democratic's only agreed to yell hitler and his good ear. and meanwhile trump got condolences from republicans, democrats and evander holy field and former biden press secretary asking republicans to change their rhetoric and tone after

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the trump shooting insisting they avoid inflammatory statements like i've been hit. and after bullets almost killed donald trump, he actually wanted to stop to pick up his shoes and biden does not worry about his pants when he's not shot. [cheering and applause]. in his speech last night, biden said the nation needs to lower the temperature in our politics and if there's anyone who know her -- knows how to lower the temperature, is the guy who doesn't have one. meanwhile, more than a few democrats blame trump for his own assassination attempt and good to know like blaming lincoln for ruining a play. and a response to the trump assassination attempt, msnbc cancelled today's episode of morning joe.

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it's a terrible idea cancelling morning joe in response to assassination attempt. the only will encourage more assassination attempts. hell, i would shoot myself if they cancel joy red. when she had her hair and joe biden finally granted secret service pretension to rfk junior. they got him a bulletproof convertible. too soon? [laughing] donald trump is a genuine threat to this nation and our freedom, democracy and literally a threat to everything america stands for. that was joe biden word for word and i don't know about you but if i were a real go-getter and someone who cared about this country and knew a genuine

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threat to america and my freedom , i would do everything possible to stop that threat, i do even kill it especially if the commander-in-chief told me so and a lonely weirdo looking for an easy pass to infamy but that is joe biden saying it and he said a lot of things including that his uncle was eaten by cannibals and of his uncle anything like joe, at least they were eating their vegetables. but then yesterday, joe said he was sincerely grateful that trump is doing well and recovering how can that be? how can you be sincerely grateful a person threat to our country doing well? after the attempted assassination of hitler corrected america send them a get well card? so could it be joe was lying about trumps evilness and that they were all lying? and a lie set over and over again that led to an attempted assassination?

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at least some people are not as two-faced as joe. where is joy red and the opinion eaters and madonna and what about the perps at the lincoln project? people who wanted to eliminate trump trying to eliminate themselves from the crime seen. what is silent say from those who said trump would end the worlds and democracy and put people in camps? today they slink away like from an online bookstore. i don't blame them. i would hide my sorry beth macdonell -- ass as well. made all actions sorry and a time machine that would not go out and take out baby hitler and if not your hitler two or huge fan of evil babies but you don't need a time machine but just a media platform and a hope among 300 million people you will reach the ones with more loose screws than a bowing jetliner.

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call it assassination by effect and amplify the need for elimination and some will trade their miserable security for eternal infamy and think about if trump had been killed and how soon before the thing pieces appeared that claim the perp was the victim of trump and already blaming trump's words. >> you cannot make any statements about dangerous rhetoric that leads to political and violence and division about acknowledging words that come through donald trump's mouth and social media. >> trump and supporters have contributed to violent rhetoric as well. >> absolutely and looking back this morning some of the things former president trump has said and warned last march a potential death and destruction if you were charged by the manhattan district attorney and trump in january warned of the criminal charges against him succeeded and, of course, in march he said now if i don't get elected, a bloodbath and will be

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the least of it and a bloodbath for the country. >> greg: hey, martha, time to retire. you lofts -- lost your mind and your face has more wrinkles than an orangutans ball sock. [cheering and applause] they love a good ball sack joke. the shooter did this to impress the media and the famous and hollywood and a path to glory and he was not radicalized but incentivized. you will be dead but your name lives on as the slayer of hitler to point out and no one say you can't call us nazis or monsters but the question is why would you not to make our lives safer and saying trump's hitler is not so people won't kill him but also how the left skips a

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rational debate and they invoke hitler but still powells with stalin so now they say we must ratchet down the rhetoric on both sides. of course when you look at both sides with one side saying you are all nazis and the other sink stop being nazis and like telling a mugger and his victims are both complicit because there was a wall exchanged and a member how outrage the media would get when trump called them out and yet they never stop to think what their own bull's-eyes into the lives of trump supporters maybe they didn't just didn't care because a member they hate you as much as they hate trump and after saturday, trump said not retaliate and apparently domestic terror groups on the right or really lazy or only exists in the sick minds of the democrat party with their scumbag house in the media. >> anyone out there with a platform who thinks the moment right now is to be political and attack the other party, you're

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feeding into the changer and making it more likely there is retaliation and incredibly scared for journalists as well. >> greg: okay jan. think about that. a trump supporter is murdered and threats about attacks from chompers but didn't they write the days of trump's inauguration and didn't they show up to the supreme court justice house with a gun? burned on half of america after george floor died? gunned down five cops in one night? sparrows the threat of violence from trump supporters, you asshole's. you ass holes and i'm not saying there words pull the trigger and is not about the words but the intent as these bastards knew what they were doing and they fed the beast and cared for and the beast got out and meet them alive. let's welcome tonight's guests.

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his face is real unlike kathy. lee is here. [cheering and applause] when he thinks outside the box, the card bar one he lives in. founder of studio, michael. he's that likable guy that makes bad guys die. former cia. she is like milwaukee in the summer, making old man sweat. new york times best-selling director and fox news contributor. so lee, you and trump have something in common that people try to actually kill you. how to gauge trump's response to this? >> first off concern for his safety and any innocent victims in the crowd and to think that we were milliseconds and millimetres away from a dark

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uncertain disaster to hit american politics, i am just so grateful donald trump is alive and i was just across the pathway here in marino when president trump came out just now in one of the most beautiful and coolest and empowering things i've ever witnessed in my life and he in that moment was not running away scared and we wanted to fight back in that moment and their people on social media and elsewhere speaking up saying i have not voted for president trump before and some don't say it that they've never liked him but they are giving a shout out that the courage and bravery he showed and i'm so grateful that he's alive and it makes me want to work harder. >> it's funny it's like mike, i think the left are really lucky he survived right? >> i see what you're saying. and i agree and i had no idea

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you could say ball sack on tv. >> greg: that is three ball sack's. >> more ways to go with this as i spent most of my time in the security business soil look at it from the operational side of things and set politics aside for now but the first thing you have to let the investigation play out and have always been amazed certainly since saturday at how many executive protection efforts -- experts there are on social media. everyone is at this point in previously experts on mental health and bidens mental acuity so let the play out but having said that, because i happen in front of her eyes and so many angles covered by people's phones, we all -- we all saw it

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in one of the rare moments in a security event like this always a breakdown of numbers and not just one thing so out a mistake being made here but you look at this and i don't have any confidence and no offence that congress will come through with a transparent major investigation and investigation has to happen at the agency level and with the bureau and not to say washington dc where investigations go to die. >> greg: an interesting point you're making that social media and smart phones at the time of jfk assassination, we would have the answer you know. >> do you want the answer? i still can't talk about it. >> greg: >> the point being a series of a breakdown of security protocols and find out that there was a control issue and a columns issue between local authorities and police and secret service and that's a major problem

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because those are just protocols you follow it every major event and they really change so the fact this happened have to ask yourself was it a lack of training and if so on who's part? a lack of resources so who made the decision was a summer else and a lot to unpack here but cautioned everyone to take breath and don't make judgements too quickly and let the facts come out. >> greg: who said the guy who just made five judgements. >> that's true. >> greg: it's amazing because you're very judgemental but no expertise in anything. >> i can get a shopping cart at 3:00 am and get all my belongings in it by 3:15 am. i know what i'm talking about. >> it was such a wild moment to witness and to me it was miraculous just that one little turn that's the future of

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america is him looking up at that screen and i don't think biden survives a look at the screen and if joe turns his head too fast, it is lights out. joe does not survive the sound of the bullet. joe does not survive getting tackled by the secret service except for the check who didn't tackle him. >> you can create a game show of what can joe survive? >> the secret service has the one job or well, you're supposed to kill snipers within sight of the president like what was up with that? people on the ground going, hey, there's a sniper up there and maybe we have koala bears a be part of the new di initiative, koala bears secret service said it looks like he's got something in his hand like go ahead and take the shop body.

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>> that was an australian accent? >> greg: it's interesting get was the republican rank-and-file good old boy the media usually marks that we're the people that saw the threat first they were going like look at what's going on and what are your thoughts, when you were watching? did you catch it at the time? >> no but i immediately stop but i was doing and started watching like i think everyone else. my thoughts were what yours are in many people had if he's literally hitler and the end of freedom and the end of democracy as we all know it and he will block gay people in cages and if it's gonna be the handmaid's tale for me, that does not sound like a fun show for me to live. why wouldn't someone shoot that guy? i very much have been saying for a while that there needs to be a

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ratcheting down of rhetoric and i wrote a whole book about it and sorry to bring it up when you write a book and everything's right, you do. because it's politically advantageous to say the other side is actual evil enemies but there are real consequences so that and i gladly would accept a ratcheting down of rhetoric even the people acknowledging they've contributed to it a lot and it would be great to say i learned something but very rarely hear that from politicians or the media but i really hope people learn from this because we're losing a lot also not just in terms of our country and how scary that was but in our relationships with each other as well [applause] >> all say we won't learn anything from it that the moment of civility will pass very quickly and i think joe biden could have made a much better

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six minute speech if he had simply use a few extra words and said myself included. the day before the shooting, says from the bottom of my heart, i believe trump is a threat to this nation so the problem here on both sides that you need self-awareness and a willingness to accept responsibility for this to change and i don't think that's going to happen. >> greg: we have to move on and will joe admit guilt for the division he has built? [applause]

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[ ♪♪ ] >> greg: he wants the country to unite after condemning the right pair coal joe gave a rare oval office address sunday after the attempted assassination of former president trump that proving whenever there is a national disaster of historic proportion, joe biden will respond may be the next day. watch. >> my fellow americans, i want to speak to you tonight about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics and remember we may disagree, we are not enemies but neighbours and friends and coworkers and citizens and most importantly fellow americans and he must stand together.

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>> greg: oh, yeah, we're neighbours just your run-of-the-mill racist extremist white supremacist neighbours and extreme mag so will give you a cup of sugar if you need it and you know who else told our country to stand together? hitler during his speech during the treaty of verse i and how does your own medicine taste when you're when it's on applesauce? here is biden tonight on nbc news defending saying its time to put trump in the bull's-eye. >> less talk about the conversation this is started and it is about language what we say the consequences as you called your opponent and exit essential threat and you said it's time to put trump in the bull's-eye and there's some dispute about the context but. >> i didn't say crosshairs that the truth of the matter i said i was talking about at the time very little focus on trump agenda.

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>> reporter: the term was bull's-eye. >> a mistake to use that i meant to focus on it. >> greg: no one said you said crosshairs less you said bull's-eye which is hard to comprehend when you're full of bull bullsh*tbullsh*t so how do you win now if the entire platform was trump's hitler and the whole notion taken off the table after saturday's horrific event? the only thing the dems have left on the table is joseph strained putting and even that is polling higher than joe. cat, how was the biden campaign will move forward if you take away it's like jane to.

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>> it gives me so much anxiety. >> greg: they took the main foundation of their whole monument and what will they do? what to they have? >> i don't think they have it yet and i think they're trying to figure it out and i think they're hoping that we don't have a memory and asking directly about how to have you contributed this kind of rhetoric you're telling people now to tamper down and what joe biden said is how to buy not talk about the real threats or democracy? let's give him that that this is an issue have to talk about but that would be to say no one could talk like that before january 6th which they were not like there was january 6 and then trump was an exit essential threat and have to some trump at all cost, they've always been talking about him that way and i

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think most people remember that and i don't think people a member what they do. >> it's a one trick pony and turned them into a ass. >> it's like it's their logo. >> greg: homeless guy made a point. >> who they're talking, the right side is totally happy the people that answer your 911 call and we're the ones a pullover when you have a flat tire and we actually like democrats. we are not the ones that hate us >> it's like an eighties romcom and the democrats are the crazy girl and call up there rocio donnell girlfriend the media and says he won't tone down the rhetoric because he's hitler baby and i can't call him that anymore and he gets mad. it's completely ridiculous and

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i'm tired of playing this game doing this since steve scalise and the whole thing that we need to tone it down and i've been calling everyone hitler for 10 f*cking years. and then you have biden going that ba -- at babos a back end do their job and oh, yeah, they are great bureau. because you're defending this. don't offend them. >> who's cocaine is that in the white house? lipsey daisy. who put the bomb on january 6? >> greg: let the fbi do their job. [ fart noise ] 's the ones you don't here are

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the calls for biden to step down and it is the theory if your car blows up that you don't need to buy a new engine but take it to the law and sell it for parts and is that what you'll do to biden? >> i think he bought himself some time but not a lot of time but it has pushed the issue off the table going back to the original question of what to they have without the strategy that presupposes they won't get back to it and again not to beat that dead horse and by the way, i will be off this that they will go back to it and i don't think they're struggling with where we are going next but when do we get back there? so whatever that serves. >> greg: do you agree this is

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just a calm period and will get back to? i noticed tonight joy reed went from comparing trump to hitler and rolled the back to compare him to george wallace so i think in a few weeks and start referring to him as hans gruber the goalposts until finally it's my little pony. >> president biden when given the oval office address say similar scores at the battle box but meant to say the ballot box and i agree we settle our scores at the ballot box but if you feel that way, try to lock him up for the rest of his life and bankrupt him and his family and ruin his name from the ballot and i agreed with the steve scalise example a rand paul or the cavanaugh example or whenever you have republicans come out and make statements that we should unify and condemn all forms of political violence but the fact is that bullet was going through joe biden's ear

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the show would've already indicted donald trump as if he was the one who pulled the trigger so we are calling bs on this reality and keeping it real >> greg: no republicans and no trump or is out in the streets on sunday and they mow their lawns and go to mass and watch the sports i'm like a little old lady knitting and no violence and no retaliation or nothing and you think it would be the same with the situation was reversed? we already know that because you seen it. up next, how much does jd vance boost trump's chance? upp [cheering and applause] watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus.

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[ ♪♪ ] >> announcer: of story and five words [cheering and applause] >> greg: trump vd pick does a vp pick and was as a surprise to you? what's here thoughts. >> not a surprise and think it's a solid choice he is a veteran he has kids that are very young. [ indiscernable crosstalk ] >> greg: the media does not know who he is but they have a

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checklist that he's a lawyer and he has three kids and i will tell you what's good about him mike baker. he is the insurance policy for trump so if you want to take out trump, you are screwed because then you have this guy and he's more of a populace then trump is. like when you have to get rid of bill o'reilly and who did you get, jesse watters. [cheering and applause] >> i feel the same way about biden so i think it's a great choice and solid and he's been obvious liaison supporter so pretty powerful team. >> greg: what you think, he already had ohio and you think this is strategically smart or trump saying i do what i want to do and i don't care if it's helps or hurts? >> jd plays well in michigan and wisconsin and he has one statewide and in ohio you have

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cities like cincinnati and cleveland and i would encourage president trump to have jd vance go to all these blue areas across the country and be a multiplayer on the ticket and he's a good messenger and you can send him to hostile media. he's a response and a vet and has not forgot where he's come from and a successful entrepreneur and he started from nothing and was in poverty and has not forgotten what he had to do to earn this opportunity and i think he will represent the little people across this country that middle income americans from coast-to-coast that i think they will love and appreciate the fact that they will have representation in the vice presidential office that they do not have with kamala harris. >> this he have kids? >> i love the inside jokes from the break to the show to the audience who don't know what you're talking about.

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>> greg: michael, and the way, you're the opposite as you started with everything and now you have nothing. [laughing] >> maybe not even a job here after realizing it's live television. he's an amazing guy and and he is married and has like three kids. i tell you who doesn't like him is is kamala ding kamala i bet she can't wait for those debates. [ mocking harris brecht close. >> trample save a fortune because he can replace a couple later -- a couple letters from pensive bands and america will save a lot of money. >> you put it the end.

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[ indiscernable crosstalk ] >> greg: so jd vance very vocal anti- trump are in 2016 as was i right and i think part of it is the dems in the media criticizing him for that but it shows you that trump is not the man of vengeance and that this is a guy that said horrible things and chooses him as vp. >> he did a hard turn on that and change his mind on that so i am among the people who think obviously jd is very smart as we've discussed his incredible story and i don't think there's such a thing as a person who loves jd vance who doesn't already love trump so i don't think he brings in any new voters but i think trump pick the dude he liked the best for the job and i think this was the id gaf which means i don't gaf

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but i feel like getting shot on the head might do that to you i feel like if you were shot in the head, said all pick the one that i want because i was shot in the head two days ago. >> greg: last week trump, said jd vance reminded him of a young able lincoln and i guess yesterday jd vance said trump reminded him of a luckier a blinken. [scattered laughter] >> greg: terrible. too soon. coming up, a no-show for morning joe. oh, why leaffilter? it's well designed, efficient, i appreciate that. leaffilter's technology keeps debris

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[ ♪♪ ] it's video of the day using mack >> greg: today's video of the day comes from morning joe and here's the dynamic duo discussing trump's assassination attempt this morning and the first day on air after the weekend tragedy. [ frogs croaking ] 's actually, today morning joe

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reportedly was pulled off the year because of the trump assassination attempt and a source telling cnn they made the call to avoid an appropriate comment why von air and if that's the case, shouldn't they take the whole network off the year? [cheering and applause] -- off the air. if they are appropriate, what is everyone on 'the view', and they should face everyone on the network at least the stuff they are selling won't get people shot. a little harsh? i don't even know how to say this. your boss basically just told you we don't trust you so very important thing happen angry i want to come to work but maybe just stay home. how many people tell you not succumb to work? that never happens and it's all hands on deck except for you.

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>> the most important story of the last 10 years but we don't want to hear from you. that's like when you think you'll take a dump and nothing happens. that is a morning joe. that is the new lingo. i like how they didn't tell them until this morning that they don't have to drive all the way into work and tell them to go home. >> greg: think about the. we have an urgent situation and there are getting ready to go and tell them to stay here and we need some filing in the back so stay away from the sharp things. >> the worst part it was probably the right call. looking what some of the stuff guess have been saying on cnn they were criticizing trump for telling him to fight fight fight

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and if there was ever a time to give someone a break on what comes out of their mouth, a thousand percent right after they get shot in the head and if i get shot in the head and people are criticizing my syntax , i will come find you and say worse things to you. >> greg: i can't believe that he screamed in pain and it seems so loud and it was very aggressive. >> he wasn't as careful with his words as he was bleeding. >> greg: he used the wrong pronoun win he was shot. all rightly, is this not an admission of guilt? the other side is joy of reed locked on her post on x. so you could not look or follow unless you gave you approval so clearly people were crawling back under their rocks. >> they are guilty and very telling to know just how upset joe and miko were about what happened this morning as after

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saturday, there were posts here at fox making calls that i want to work and send me somewhere and that instinctively if you are a reporter or journalist in the media for a moment like this as an american journalist, you feel a calling and refill callings in our own way and i wonder if they both we're happy that they were not on air. >> greg: they probably were not because they didn't have to work and work as hard for them in both sharing the same brain. >> say nice things about donald trump for three hours. >> greg: is is like being grounded? >> is like having toddlers a home and make them sit in the corner and having the management team from morning joe but they got together and decided the collective assets that work that show could not be trusted to be mature enough to not say

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something alarming or insulting or noxious is astounding and they are grown adults and yet there also calling for civility that we have to lower the temperature but we don't trust any of you to do that. >> greg: put it in this context. 'the view' was on today. if you are going to put 'the view' on after this, what is say when you don't put morning joe on? that they trust 'the view' which is a collection of people with severe head injuries. it's insane. i would not come back to work and i would not show my face at msnbc if they told me i can't handle the news and go home. >> people who work on tv don't quit. >> greg: that's true but they'll be back as the shows on tomorrow morning and it will be fantastic to see how they explain it.

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>> how about that. five more words as a classified documents case thrown out so the case dismissed today on the grounds the appointment of special counsel jack smith to the prosecution violated the constitution and i don't know what that means and i don't want you to explain it to me because all zone out but the deck clears path to victory? what is interesting. >> the judge made the right decision and potentially the dc case the jack smith not appointed correctly on november 18th 2022, three things happened that a press conference appointing jack smith and nathan weighed inside of the white house meeting with council. >> greg: i'm glad you said inside. >> and then he's resigning from the do's day -- doj three days after november 15th and donald trump announces he's running for election again and all of the scenes to go away and let us settle our score at the battle

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box. >> the ballot box. >> greg: thus sounds like a great game show. we dropped two famous celebrities in a box to the bottom of the sea where they die. it's kind of impossible to take this news without the context around it and it seems like each car hits another car like a domino is falling first you had biden hilariously awful debates and you have trump's near assassination and this happening and it kind of seems like the world is telling us something and i don't know what it is. >> i don't know but after my tinfoil hat on if eyes see that message there is so much shut going on that you have the immunity and the supreme court but i don't understand it and i

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did not read the 92 page statement the judge put out but i'm glad because i've a basem*nt full of classified documents i guess i'm also off the hook and i will go with that. >> i think it's importance because but there's a weird reordering -- reordering of things and if you're looking at these examples of a law fair for unity -- you can't fire literally bullets at trump and it feels like there is this cosmic reordering of things. >> trump is neil from the matrix this one being dropped is crazy that it was unconstitutional and goes to my theory my bookkeepers trying to take over the earth.

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giving trump the bookkeeping thing and then you forgot to carry the two and it is just insane and how about we stick to fighting crime and real crime we can all understand instead of unconstitutional bookkeeping. >> greg: glassware to you. >> we're doing this as a quick little segment at the end of the show and remember when this all happened with probably thought we should throw this in. >> greg: this is and if it was a waste of time and it went away and we are going away but we'll be right back

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8:58 pm

and help kids like us do things we never thought we could do. when you say yes to giving just $19 a month, only $0.63 a day, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue® blanket as a reminder of all the kids you're helping every day. call or go online right now to give. you'll be making sure our amazing doctors and nurses can keep helping kids who need them now and in the days to come. because of you i get the most amazing care anywhere. i can play basketball. yeah! i can play soccer because of your support. thank you, your support is changing our lives. your monthly gift right now at makes moments like this possible for kids like me and me.

8:59 pm

thank you for giving. help a kid get their first set of wheels. let's roll. join the movement. please call or go online now. if operators are busy, call again, or go to to give right away. thank you! we now return to our interview with the insurance whistleblower. [ distorted ] i just think everyone should know there's an insurance company out there exposing other companies' rates so you can compare them and save. hmm. sounds like trouble. it's great, actually! it's called autoquote explorer from progressive. here, look! see, we show you our direct rates and their rates, even if we're not the lowest. so, whistleblower usually means you're exposing something bad. i thought it meant calling attention to something helpful. you know, like, toot toot, check it out! this thing's the best! no?

9:00 pm

>> greg: we are out of time. check out president daily our studio audience... i love you america. >> it's midnight on th

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Greg Gutfeld examines the news of the day through a satiric lens fused with pop culture.

Greg 33, Biden 12, Donald Trump 8, Hitler 8, Us 7, Joe Biden 7, Vance 6, Israel 4, Milwaukee 4, America 3, White House 2, Msnbc 2, Washington 2, Joe 2, Steve Scalise 2, Michael 2, Jack Smith 2, Gaf 1, Fbi 1, Nbc News 1
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Gutfeld! : FOXNEWSW : July 15, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.