The Harlan Daily Enterprise from Harlan, Kentucky (2024)

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The Harlan Daily Enterprisei

Harlan, Kentucky

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Marian Bailn Kntcrprigr volume nine Member Associated Press HARLAN KENTUCKY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 4 1932 A PICTURE RECO RD ECLIPJSE GEORGE WARD IS CHAIRMAN IN NOVEMBER LIERS HURT a AVORS RELIE Print Enterprise On Press OJ Midfllesboro Daily News 2928 Teachers have Continued on Page 2 The the trial which anner 20 was found in the RIO GRANDE IS ON RAMPAGE on WOUNDS ATAL TO STATE MAN after Insurance Bureau Clerk Appointed Women Win the NOTICE! ire Prevention Week Salaries total ARRESTMANIN LINDBERGH CASE YOUTH BELIEVED KILLED BY TRAIN GOP ROOSEVELT SAYS rankfort Sept 3 CP) Homer Marshall of Kuttawa yesterday was appointed chief clerk in the Insurance Department to succeed Magoffin of rankfort nation was announced early day because of illness Cleveland 3 Major James Doolittle set a new world speep markfori4andrplanes today flashing 2028 miles per hour over a three kilometer course at the national air races I The former mark of 2784 was set in 1924 by Adjutant Bonnet of rance NATHAN HOWARD GETS 15 YEARS LAOON OERS REINANCE PLAN Jd was 13 Candidates Pledge Modification Support WORLD SPEED MARK IS SET BYDOOLITTLE SECOND PLANE CRASH OCCURS AT AIR RACES BLACKBURN IS Training hard THE WEATHER CLOUDYWITH' ROBABLE SHOWERSti TAX SLASHES EMPHASIZED BY ROOSEVELT aided TIRE THIEVES ARE CAPTURED in for this important Loyall ighter Gets In Trim or Billy Roeder er To morrow Night SAYS OPINION LARGEST CIRCULATION IN SOUTHEASTERN KENTUCKY inancial Markets' Register Big Gains Bennett Surprises Mein Stealing Spare Tire rom Auto Schenectady Sept 3 Governor Roosevelt sjieaking at theState convention of Young Democratic Clubs today called upon members of the Republican party "to discard disown and dis avow a leadership that has prov ed He said the "polls thruout the country show in every state that twenty to sixty per cent of those who voted Republican in 1928 will change party support this year" Roosevelt remained only half an hour returning to Albany before proceeding to Bridgeport for a speech tonight Democratic Leader Sued for $353857 of exposures on one photographic plate showing ths eclipse towvtl totality offers an Interesting study of Speak To Young Demo cratic ClubsAuN Convention amous lier Shatters Land Plane Speed Record a golf com preparc en local jrolf Bowling Meet In Mass Convention At Court Houge Yesterday With Harmonious Meeting Endorse Ryans or Congress Instruct Delegates To Vote As Unit Son Of Bird Ex Par don CommiMticmee Stabbed To Doath Vote On Commission Can Be Held In December and Roederer both their class havt WHITLEY SLAYER LODGEP IN JAIL ord dead on the railroad tracks near Smith yesterday morning evident ly the victim of a Louisville Nashville train anner's foot was amputated at the ankle ami his skull was frac tured in two places Coroner Bob armer investigated and returned a verdict of death from being struck by a train At a mass convention held yesterday afternopp the Court House Republicans of Harlan County unanimously endorsed Maurice Thatcher as candidate for the' Senate instructing delegates to vote as a unit streng then the Republican chances to "carry KentuckyfoE the Republican ticket in Says Move Would Bring Value Of State Warrants To Par Much Damage Along River ront As Result Of lood The was held in the circuit courtroom1 the' be ing crowded with people fromall sections of the county! George Ward ou nty execu tiva chairman of the Republican committee call ed the to ordep stating the purpos'e of the convention He calle0 for nominations1 fop tem porary chairman of the meeting' Concentrated Atten tion On Local Is Urged 0 Blackburn realizing that his fight tomorrow night with Bil ly Roederer of Louisville will be one of the toughest of his career has gone in for heavy draining during the past few weeks preparation scrap Blackburn champion in fought twice each winning a de cision Blackburn is recognized here as State Heavyweight cham pion while Roederer is light heavy champ of Kentucky The big Loyall fighter is in ex cellent physical condition for this bout tomorrow night He has been doing road work daily with daily workouts to gain speed and stamina Roederer likewise is re ported in good condition havifig fought a winning scrap in Lexing ton last week with Johnny Mack Cincinnati pug and the big Ger mantowner won by a decision Excellent preliminaries and two semi finals have been scheduled and a large crowd is expected to attend Laredo Texas Sept 3 CPI Buildings along the river front were evacuated today as the Rio Grande flood swept down upon this section after doing extensive dam age yesterday at Eagle Pass A All traffic over the Internation al bridge was stopped: Water was to within a foot of the bridge floor It' is nice to soak tj? 'rici( But if the crop surplus iss con fiscated vflio vfiil furnjsh the' Seed' for next planting? Youth ound Guilty of Mur der of Deputy Sheriff Hen derson Ramsey 1910 Model Plane And Autogyro Col lide Before Crowd 'Nathan Howard 20 was sen tenced to 15 years in the State Reformatory yesterday for the murder of Henderson Ramsey deputy sheriff last January The jury received the case ri day afternoon and yesterday morning returned the verdict find ing Howard guilty of the crime as charged The defendant had plead ed sen detense in lasted a week Johnson prosecution New York Sept 3 (H Robert Jackson secretary of the Demo cratic National Committee and chairman of the Bureau of the 'Roosevelt campaign was charged by the Accumulative Royalties Corporation in a Su preme Court suit today with hav ing fraudulently withheld $353 857 of the fund Thia serlea proa rets of the viivia an Iiituiuauna tUQy the spectacle The eclipse about 35 minutes before totality Is shown upper left and the eucceeding'pictures show it at Interval of about' five mlnutea Louisville Sept 3 (Ah I i ports from 77 counties out of 120 gave uninstructed 3 9 coun ties with 732 votes' instructed 'for Thatcher 33 counties with 463 votes 17 were instructed for Hiram Brock 17 were instructed for Dr 'W 'S' Yanzell Maysville No "conventions were held in Lewis and Wolfe counties' Un instructed counties were report ed favorable to Thatcher Laurel and Nelson counties resolved to ask the State Com mittee to nominate Lucy1 Mahan Spillman of Harrods burg for "Congress if Thatcher were nominated for the Senate Butler County endorsed s'lem Sampson for Congress the opening scheduled to the ten less Johnstown Sebt" 3 (JB Sheriff Ira McCloskey pf j'Clear field late tWiay' 'Sh arrest in the Lind bergh kidnaping He mian identified as Clarence had bfieti arrested and? held for federal authorities He declined "to amplifythean riouticetnent beyond aving had been in custody fbtinqpjry but was released and recaptured Bridgeport Sept 3 (T) Reduc tion in taxes particularly those affecting the farmer small home owrier' and railroads was empha sized by Governor Roosevelt to night in a presidential campaign address before Connecticut Demo crats taxpayer is blanketed by too many layers of local taxing he said declaring there is need everywhere for centrated attention upon local gov He said this is the first responsibility in restoring well being" He added a fundamental way this problem is the source of much of obr present distressThe mortgages on four farmers and foreclosures thereon burden our hanks which strains the entire credit structure of the Richmond Va Sept? 3 UP) In corporated to protect its members from matrimony the Bachelors Corp has had its charter revoked for failure to pay fees and taxes Said one cynic lost members because many eligible girls had good jobs and were willing ord armer ound Dead On Railroad Track Near Smith Louis A Johnson Clarksburg Va attorney is a candidate for na tional commander of the American Region (Associated Press Photo: the the Hopeful Kil Sun Archer was second and William Happv Gal third' 1 Boy Shot ather 'In Head During amily Argu ment entity I vania Sheriff1 Term Arrest Lmk lA In Another school rear will hr nin Only with officials planning on a regu Winchester Sept (3 Shot gun wounds in the 'back of the head inflicted six weeks ago by his son Edward 15 caused the death today of David Lawrence 48 railroad fireman Officers said Edward wounded his father after efforts to stop a quarrel between the parents fail ed They said a charge of mur der would be filed Three midnight marauders one of them said to be a deserter from the Sixty irst Coast Artillery Army ort Sheridan Ill were I captured by Bennett at his home on Mound Street early yes terday morning and turned over to police when they attempted to steal a spare tire from his auto mobile parked on the driveway of his home A fourth suspect was arrested last night by police The four men who gave their names as Andrew Butcher Lonnie Hubbard Claude Keys and Everett Hubbard of Smith Ky are held in jail Mr Bennett unable to sleep because of the heat had come downstairs to sit on his front porch While sitting in the sha dows a car drove up in front of the house and stopped our men got out and approached his car parked next to the house and began' removing the spare tire Mr Bennett slipped upstairs and got a pistol returning to the porch He fired two shots into the air to frighten the men and then demanded they surrender One of the four escaped The police were called and the three tumd over to thfem They were located by means of the emergen cy light on Main St at the Lew allen Hotel Policemen Railas Keller and A A Stokes and Nightwatchman Bowling answered the call and arrested the men Hubbard was arrested at Baxter last night by Chief of Police Middleton He is believed to be the fourth member of the party Butcher and Hubbard are said to be wanted at ort Sheridan for desertion and theft of an automo bile according to Keller Officers from there are said to be on their way here for the two men Nftw Employees 7 Are Appointed I rankfort Sept Al len Winchester appointed to 'the gasoline tax division of the State Tdx Commission: was 'one of eight new employes put' on the Septem ber payroll The others were Miss Blanche Hogg Whitesburg: sten ographer ip the motor itransppr tation department Mrs' Carolyn Noel rankfort Miss Alyette Martin Carlisle Miss Marguerite Beard Georgetown' Miss Josephine Maddox Mayfield Mrs Rose Brock Jones Harlan and Patil'Bidrd Hardyville clerks' in the" autoinobile department ive released all front the au tombbild department were: Mrs Nan Beard Paris Marshall Daw son Versailles Miss Gertrude ranklin Hindman Carlos' ish Jr' rankfbrt and Howard Trum boRibolt? New York Sept 2 (TP) nancial markets lept forward with renewed vigor yesterday loafing most of the week Stocks swept onward along a broad front with steel shares particularly buoyant The market as measured by price averages reached new high levels for the current recovery and many issues particularly among the steels reg istered new peak prices for 1932 Trading in shares reached a feverish pace in the past hour aft er progressing more modestly ear lier Net gains in many issues ranged from $2 to $6 a share in this emergency Mr generous offer was accepted The type was set here and locked in the The forms were placed in a car and taken to Middlesboro where the taper was printed early tins morning papers were loaded into tlie brought back to the local shop and mailed to the Sub cnbi rs The Daily Enterprise is indebt ed to Mr Kincaid for his cooper ation in this dmSrgehcy Without his aid no paper could have been published today A vote of ap preciation is also duo Tlie Mid dlesboro pressman who came to the shop after midnight to run off the papers And so The Daily Enterprise keeps clear its record of not hnv in miseu an is sue holidays and was to fill that ppsK iMr Wstrd then apnoint0d Judg joward Judge or ester ank red Jones' comthlttee on rtsolutinn? committee retired from the room 'and returned to 'report thef ollowr ing rcqlrtions: We yoiir Committee? Ori' Sea lutions do hereby make the fol losing' IRSTWat 'this Mass Meeting' call of publicdn convention and nanie as delegates to said State Conven tion the following named Republi eansof Harlan County to repre serif said 'County at said Stitd Cohventidri' and to tastlthjadate 'gation vote County upon all quesions arising' vention to wit: Henry Lynch JSY Ho waM Baxter Morris Saylor Hon OHIO ROAD GROUP ISENTERTAINED NO54 COUNTY REPUBLICANS AVOR THATCHER Rodriguez May Succeed Rubio Mexico Sept 3 ZP) Mention of the name of General Abelardo Rodriguez as successor to Presi dent Ortiz Rubio evoked enthusi astic demonstrations today by the national revolutionary party bloc in congress Rodriguez is expected to be the successor of Rubio whose resig nation was announced early to 1 According to an opinion handed 'J down by Attorney General Bailey I Wootton rankfort an elec Jtion for a commission form of government for Harlan County Icannot be held at the regular No vember election but can be held 30 days later This decision was received yes terdaj by Lawson president of the Harlan County League who is heading a move to establish the commission form of government in the county The League at recent meeting voted unanimously for the election of a commission to handle the fiscal affairs of the county This move was also ap proved by the Harlan County ish and Game Protective Association All subscribers changirig their addresses must notify The Harlan Daily Ehteriprise BE 'ORE the time fori the change to be made Tin's will save time and expense and assure subscribers of receiving their paper daily as welt as aiding the management of the paper Also give old address as well as new one ll( 1 Two Appeals To Be iled By Leas Ralpigh Sept 3 A double banded appeal yesterday was disclosed as the next step in the legal fight of Luke Lea Nash ville publisher and financier and Wallace Davis former Ashe rille banker to evade prison sen tences in North Carolina I or the first time in the history of the paper the Harlan Daily terprise today was not printed in me local shop but was printed on I School ine press oi 1 no School children from their This unusual occurrence was vaction back to the the result of a broken press in rooms in the Citv Schools the local shop which blocked Another school year will pi i iiwii vi me Hvre two courses remained open CANNOT HOLD I SPECIAL VOTE our officials of the Butler County Automobile Club Hamil ton Ohio drawn by glowing re ports of Harlan scenic beauty and the hospitality of the people arrive dfrere yesterday on a tour of thia region traveling ov er the proposed routing? of the Appalachian Way Krauth vice president of the Hamilton Club William Howe aecretary and Jf Mnyer and I Chas Schields director compos 1 late yesterday afternoon and were met oy a committee of Harlan business men who have planned to entertain them during their stay here over the week end Their visit here' is the result of the Appalachian Way Association meeting held in Hamilton several weeks asJo Several Harlan men attended this meeting and their reports on thin section interested the Hamlltdh men Mr Krauth Mr Howe Mr Mayer and Mr Sehields all aided in entertaining the local jepresentativea in Ham ilton' The propos ed route from Chicagof to Char leston would eonc of the major ojfjthe Nation unequalled inscfehlc tykyThis route would pass thru Harlan from Cumberland to Pen nington Gap Va placing Harlan ederal highway Indications are that this routing is neep tabic to Highway uuthoritis The Hamilton men: will bo her today visiting various points of interest in the county and having i an opportunity to see the scenic beauty of the mountainn They will return to Hamilton Monday I via Hazard and over the proposed new route Each was enthusiastic over the reception accorded them while i here praising the hospitality ahown them The baauty of the mountain trails won their admira i tlon and it was evident that the visit of these men would go far in cementing a friendly relation 1 ship between Hamilton and Har 1 lan i 'A Jones and George Pope were named to headthe commit tee of welcome Special commit tees were named to entertain the sjkvisitors Judge Howard RwHfn Middleton Judge Jones Ben Lewallen Dr Howard And Alverson were named to welcome them while mittee was named to tertainment on the course Jeff Rico and Douglass rankfort Sept 3 Gov" Ruby Laffoon today announced a refinancing plan which he said would hriruf thn vnlnr nf Rfofa wnrrtinfo nn In nnv I Under a contract signed today the Security Trust Company Lex ington was named trustee of all warrants and will issue certificates to be sold to investors with war rants as security The Governor said leading bank ers endorsed the plan lirllR will frill fnmnrrinu: MHdlesboro morning calling several hundred sum class r4 HarUn Meo Return Gourtesiea Shown Them in Hamilton TOUR CQUNTY Ladysman Wins Hopeful Stakes Saratoga Sept' 3 Coe's ladysman today won 2tli running of Stakes and $41000 Kansas City Sept 3 Mis souri's thirteen Democratic nomi nees for Representative in Con gress have announced they will vote for modification of the Vol stead Act and for submission nf prohibition repeal ive of those signing an agree ment to stand on the national platform plank had the endorse ment of the Anti Saloon League in the Tecent primary The eight present members of Congress who were renominated also promised to vote tor such legislation at December session Declined To Walk Under Ladder Hurt Lincoln Neb Sept 3 LW It riday and it the 13th but yesterday Stier decided to lie cautious anyway and walfcarpund the ladder As he did so Mathew Dittman who was hanging up a sign came tumbling down Both men were injured when Dittman struck back in (landing two courses remained open either jlar 9 months term despite a re to not nublixh nanfir todav fix ui 7 1 have the paper printed elsewhere 1 been arriving daily the past week wiwuiwwuii mi non preparation lor ort Kincaid editor of the Midriffs 1 wh ds icreU boro Daily News was called by I form the teaching staff of mu MLuiivioH wa5 city schools this year fkiiulu Axincuui wiio Im than last year tiwrIS 4 nl 11 a T' a 1 I wv tne pre re staff to make full use of his shop school students Middlesborq Editor CfllAAT DI I Aids Local Paper In vllvUL BULLd Emergency I RING TOMORROW PRESS DISABLED Bk Books Heavy Enrollment Iz Seen Letcher ha Top Debt Highest Pay Schedule rankfort Sept 3 UP) State Inspector ami Examiner Nat Sewell informed Governor Laffoon x'Zici nv zri i rvJVVZMMqy VlldV ACVCflVl WUlliy 1 Open On Oct 9th I has a tjotal indebtedness of $1 980000 the largest of any of Washington Sept 3 Presi the counties whose offices have dent Hoover today proclaimed the been inspected to date The debt Week of October 9 as ire Preven i was divided as follows: Road and tion Week and urged that "it be I bridge bonds $910000 funding oi oonus $4oUU0 and county war rants outstanding $60000 Mr beweli said Letcher Coun ckhimum compx Cleveland Sept 3 GT) John ed the group They arnved hereMill rOUKhkpelwiPi lute vHlerrlnv 1 anil Al Wilson Hollywood Calif today collided in front of the grandstands for the second major crackup In ttfo days at the Na tional Air Races Wilson Hying a model 1910 air plane and Miller an autogyro were st iging a demonstration of old and new in aviation when they collided Miller was unhurt but Wilson was seriously injured and lushed to the hospital Two others suffered concussions when wings locked and they crash ed in the race yesterday If the pre registration of high is an indicator then the enrollment for this year will be even larger than last More than four hundred students are expected to register in high school this year Supt Paul Meek and Principal Henderson have been on the job for several days getting af fairs in readiness for the open ing made this year an occasion special The Chief Executive said the Mr Sewell said I etcher Coun loss of thousands of human lives salary schedule is the in addition to property valued atlof any of the rural counties re euuuuvvvv should be rupu ported to date iously $11370 a year Williamsburg Sept 3 Wil liam Shelton was arrested' today and charged with the fatal stab bing of Harold Bird 35 son of Bird pardon commissioner under Governor Sampson on lico Creek yesterday He lodged in jail here i Wl I I A.

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The Harlan Daily Enterprise from Harlan, Kentucky (2024)


Why is Harlan Ky famous? ›

Located in the heart of the Appalachian coal fields, the community is steeped in coal mining history and was once known as the “Coal Capital of Kentucky.” With the decline of the area's coal industry in recent decades, Harlan has had to diversify its economy.

What happened in Harlan, Kentucky? ›

HARLAN COUNTY — Coal miners engaged in skirmishes, strikes and boycotts to unionize the mines after mine operators slashed salaries by 10 percent to deal with the changing economic conditions of the Great Depression.

Is Harlan a real town in Kentucky? ›

Harlan (population 2,081), county seat of Harlan County, is located at the forks of the Cumberland River and was first settled around 1796. The community was known as Mount Pleasant, for a local Indian mound, when it became the seat of the new county in 1819, but it was renamed Harlan in 1865.

Why is Harlan Kentucky called Bloody Harlan? ›

"Bloody Harlan" they call it because it was bloody. They were non-union mines and the United Mine Workers went in and tried to organize it and did organize it. Brookside, which is the same as Duke Power Company, refused to bargain with them in good faith.

Why is Harlan so expensive? ›

Harlan Estate

As a part the real estate industry, Harlan saw great potential in the area and partnered with professional winemakers to cultivate and build vineyards. Thanks to the team's consistent effort to select only the freshest fruits for their intensive winemaking process, Harlan Estate quickly rose to the top.

What is the movie about Harlan County, Kentucky? ›

Harlan County, USA is a 1976 American documentary film covering the "Brookside Strike", a 1973 effort of 180 coal miners and their wives against the Duke Power Company-owned Eastover Coal Company's Brookside Mine and Prep Plant in Harlan County, southeast Kentucky.

Is Harlan, KY a good place to live? ›

Living in Harlan offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents rent their homes. Many retirees live in Harlan and residents tend to be conservative. The public schools in Harlan are above average.

Was justified filmed in Harlan Kentucky? ›

Filming. While the pilot was shot in Pittsburgh and suburban Kittanning and Washington, Pennsylvania, the subsequent 38 episodes were shot in California. The small town of Green Valley, California often doubles for Harlan, Kentucky.

What was the Harlan County Massacre? ›

The Harlan County War, or Bloody Harlan, was a series of coal mining-related skirmishes, executions, bombings, and strikes (both attempted and realized) that took place in Harlan County, Kentucky during the 1930s.

What was the violent conflict between miners and coal operators in Harlan County Kentucky in the early 1930s? ›

The Harlan County War, or Bloody Harlan, was a series of coal industry skirmishes, executions, bombings and strikes (both attempted and realized) that took place in Harlan County, Kentucky, during the 1930s.

Is the Harlan County War a true story? ›

A giant step for miners.

Harlan County War tells the true story of 180 families fed up with surviving on $1.89 per hour, with no health and disability benefits. Death tolls because of mining accidents reached 300 a year at the time, and black lung disease killed many more.

Is Harlan, KY a dry county? ›

It is classified as a moist county—one in which alcohol sales are prohibited (a dry county), but containing a "wet" city—in this case Cumberland, where package alcohol sales are allowed. In the city of Harlan, restaurants seating 100+ may serve alcoholic beverages.

What is the crime rate in Harlan, Kentucky? ›

Harlan Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes331
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)1.5916.45

Is Noble's Holler real? ›

Nobles Holler is based on Kentucky's Coe Ridge Colony, which was a small area settled and maintained by emancipated slaves following the Civil War. Coe Ridge existed for nearly 100 years, in constant battle to defend itself against those who wanted to destroy it.

What is Harlan known for? ›

Harlan is known as the Great Dissenter

Justice Harlan wrote 123 of his 891 written opinions in dissent, and some of those dissenting opinions have become the stuff of legend in American constitutional history, earning him the label “the Great Dissenter.” His was the lone dissent in United States v.

What town in Kentucky is justified based on? ›

In March, 2010, the FX Network launched the season premiere of “Justified,” an over-the-top, modern-day crime drama set in Harlan, Kentucky. In March, 2010, the FX Network launched the season premiere of “Justified.” This show is an over-the-top, modern-day crime drama set in Harlan, Kentucky.

How many people died in Bloody Harlan? ›

Harlan County War
LocationHarlan County, Kentucky, United States
Deaths: Undetermined Arrests:
Deaths: 5
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.