WrestleMania 40 results, live match coverage: Night one (2024)

WWE WrestleMania 40 is all set to get started tonight (Sat., April 6, 2024) from Lincoln Financial Field at 7:00 pm ET, live on Peaco*ck in the United States and on the WWE Network elsewhere. You should also be able to watch this on pay-per-view (PPV) if your cable provider is carrying the event. Make predictions at DraftKings Sportsbook.

CagesideSeats.com will provide LIVE blow-by-blow, match-by-match coverage of night one of WrestleMania 40 below, beginning with the first match of the evening and right on through to the main event.

Kick your off your shoes, relax, and enjoy all the action with your favorite pro wrestling website. And remember to keep refreshing! Note: To get in on the conversation on this show, visit our open thread here.


  • Intercontinental Championship: Sami Zayn def. GUNTHER (c)
  • Jey Uso def. Jimmy Uso
  • Six Pack Ladder Tag Team Championship: The Judgment Day (c) vs. DIY vs. Awesome Truth vs. The New Day vs. A-Town Down Under vs. New Catch Republic
  • Awesome Truth win the Raw Tag Team Championship
  • A-Town Down Under win the SmackDown Tag Team Championship
  • Women’s World Championship: Rhea Ripley (c) def. Becky Lynch


Sell the kids for food. Weather changes moods. Spring is here again, and I’m liveblogging this pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The main show kicks off with brief footage of our main event stars arriving at the arena.

Then we get a Meek Mill video package breaking down the card.

We see Rhea mother of god she’s hot today bestill my sweet lesbian heart Ripley and Becky Lynch getting ready ahead of their match.

Coco Jones sings the Star-Spangled Banner.

Triple H makes his entrance for some reason.

Anyway he gets on his mic and welcomes us to a new time, a new era, and to WrestleMania.

Thanks, Hunter.

Becky Lynch vs. Rhea Ripley (c) (WWE Women’s World Championship)

Lynch apparently sick with strep per commentary, putting Ripley’s hand into the post, missile dropkick, suplex reversed, back and forth, Lynch with a big avalanche arm drag as she keeps working the arm! Strike rush gets a couple boots and a facebreaker, suplex reversed, tornado DDT from the challenger for a nearfall!

To the floor, exploder suplex into the barricade, back inside, smashing Rhea’s arm into the mat, Dis-Arm-Her countered, back elbow, Becky off the second but she gets caught with a fireman’s carry drop and a running knee... SO CLOSE! Riptide, float over, reverse Divorce Court into an armbar, breaking Ripley’s grip and maneuvering her into the middle of the ring!

Rhea posts to her feet... COUNTER POWERBOMB! A second powerbomb, a third is a Liger Bomb... NOPE! Headbutt gets an inverted double stomp armbreaker but Ripley has it together enough to hammer Lynch with punches! Trading wild paintbrushing slaps, Rhea with a headbutt but Becky sidesteps a charge and posts her! DIS-ARM-HER IN THE ROPES! SHE HAS UNTIL FIVE, REFEREE!

Knocking Ripley down, diving leg drop... COUNTERED INTO THE INVERTED CLOVERLEAF! PRISM TRAP IS IN! Becky crawling for the ropes, Rhea pulls her in, she crawls again and this time Ripley falls back and adds a bodyscissors! Lynch counters by rolling into a pin but Rhea kicks out!

Roundhouse kick from Mami, Riptide avoided again but the Manhandle Slam connects... RHEA RIPLEY WILL NOT LOSE LIKE THAT! A little back and forth, Riptide... NOPE! Up top, jockeying for position, superplex rolled into a cross armbar, into Dis-Arm-Her in the middle of the ring! Ripley posts up on her feet, electric chair, Becky with a victory roll over the ropes but Rhea lands on her feet and hits the electric chair drop on the floor!

Back inside, frog splash... THE MAN IS HANGING IN THERE! Back and forth, Rhea Riptides her into the turnbuckles, another pumphandle...

Rhea Ripley wins by pinfall with Riptide, retaining the WWE Women’s World Championship.

#DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) vs. A-Town Down Under (Austin Theory & Grayson Waller) vs. Awesome Truth (R-Truth & the Miz) vs. Judgment Day (Damian Priest & Finn Balor (c) vs. New Catch Republic (Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate) vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) (WWE Raw Tag Team / SmackDown Tag Team Championship Ladder Match)

Chaos to start, ladders set up, men climbing, Priest just cold throws at ladder over the ropes at Waller before chucking one at Ciampa in the ring! NCR with stereo moonsaults off ladders and to the floor wiping everybody out! Back inside, Priest powerbombs Bate into Dunne and climbs a ladder!

Miz slides in, pulling Damian off the ladder, thinking Skull-Crushing Finale, blocked, ladder knocked over and Judgment Day go to work on him as Truth waits patiently in the corner for the tag! He gets it, shoulder block, shoulder block, fall-forward Blue Thunder Driver, “You can’t see me!”, Five Knuckle Shuffle, Attitude Adjustment, cover... IT’S OVER!

Except it’s not, because it’s a ladder match. Miz back in, double Skull-Crushing Finale, Truth tells Johnny to tune up the band... SWEET CHIN MUSIC! Ciampa with a Pedigree! Squaring up, Truth plays peacemaker and points out they can each retrieve a set of tag titles and both teams will win!

Setting ladders up, climbing, Theory and Waller come in and knock them over! They climb...

A-Town Down Under win the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship by retrieving the titles.

Theory wants to climb the ladder for the Raw titles but gets taken out, NCR get Grayson... DOUBLE POWERBOMB OVER THE ROPES AND THROUGH A LADDER TO THE FLOOR! DIY working on Balor, they go under the ring for tables and the ECW chants go up in Philadelphia! Truth setting up a table near the announce desk, cut off by Pete, Tom and John grab Woods but Kofi saves his pal, Trouble in Paradise knocks Gargano to the floor!

New Day working Ciampa over, setting him on a ladder bridged from a standing ladder to the ropes, Xavier up top... LIMIT BREAKER THROUGH THE LADDER! Theory climbing a ladder, Dunne and Bate cut him off, wishbone the fingers... BIRMING HAMMER! New Catch Republic climb the ladder, DIY come back in, Ciampa and Bate on opposite sides of a ladder as Johnny hits One Final Beat on Dunne through a table on the floor!

Tom with Tyler on his shoulder... AVALANCHE AIR RAID CRASH OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER! R-Truth sees his chance and sets a ladder up and climbs but JD McDonagh runs in and pulls him off the ladder with Devil Inside! JD sets a ladder up and brings Finn back in and helps him climb!

Step by step, inch by inch, closer and closer... XAVIER WOODS MAKES THE SAVE AND KOFI KINGSTON ISN’T FAR BEHIND, CHAIR IN HAND! McDonagh isolated on the ladder, New Day tip it over... AND HE GOES OFF THE LADDER AND THROUGH THE TABLES DIY SET UP EARLIER!

Kofi climbs, Damian cuts him off... RAZOR’S EDGE ONTO A CHAIR! Damian climbing, referee Jessika Carr gives him some kind of signal, he climbs the ladder, Miz on the other side, the ladder start to buckle... SOUTH OF HEAVEN OFF THE LADDER! Priest gets a new ladder and climbs, and Truth tips it over! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT OVER THE ROPES AND TO THE FLOOR!

R-Truth, a two-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, as talented as anybody in professional wrestling, he climbs the ladder, he can feel victory in his grasp, his first meaningful championship in years, his first victory at WrestleMania... HE RETRIEVES THE TITLES! AWESOME TRUTH ARE THE RAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!

Awesome Truth win the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship by retrieving the titles.

We see Olympic Gold Medalist wrestler Jordan Burroughs in the crowd.

Andrade el Idolo & Rey Mysterio vs. Dominik Mysterio & Santos Escobar

Rey and Escobar to start, Mysterio with a tijeras, tag to Dominik, dad floats over, tag to el Idolo! Chops, big back elbow from Andrade! Tag to Rey, assisted tijeras sends Santos to the floor, Mysterio the Elder on Andrade’s shoulders... DOUBLE PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR!

Tijeras puts his son into the turnbuckles, Rey takes his belt off but Dominik recovers and takes it and throws it away! Boots for Andrade, tag to Santos! Escobar on the floor, front kick, putting Rey back inside, whip across, quebradora connects, cover for two!

Another quebradora, tag to Dominik, cover for two! Heat segment rolls on, Santos clawing at Rey’s mask, big running kick in the corner! Mysterio with right hands, boots up in the corner, climbing up for mounted punches, Escobar electric chair, Rey shifts , Yoshi Tonic connects!

Tags made, Andrade in, handspring moonsault, Dominik kicks out! Mysterio the younger with a neckbreaker, Rey sets Santos on the second, sends his son to the floor, 619 connects and Andrade takes Dom out with an Orihara moonsault! Humberto Carrillo runs interference, Santos gets Rey up top... AVALANCHE FRANKENSTEINER FOR TWO!

Match breaks down, seconds going after each other, Joaquin Wilde fired up on the apron... SLINGSHOT SPLASH TWENTY FEET DEEP UP THE RAMP! Back to the match, Escobar posts Rey Mysterio and tells Dom to bash his brains out, but a pair of big men in Eagles lucha masks jump the barricade to help Rey out!

Setting the heels up... DOUBLE 619! The Message! Frog Splash! It’s over!

Andrade el Idolo & Rey Mysterio win by pinfall with a frog splash from Rey on Santos Escobar.

Post-match, the Latino World Order celebrate with the big men, who turn out to both be local football players, what a shock.

“Main Event” Jey Uso vs. “Big” Jim Uso

Jey attacking Jim before the bell, passing him into the barricade, back inside and we get a bell! Main Event knocks Big to the floor, suicide dive wipes him out! Back inside, crossbody, Jim turns the tide and hits the Ode to Rikishi! Continuing to press the attack, trading punches to the tune of “Yeet!” / “No yeet!”

Trading kicks, stalemate, Frye/Takayama punches, fireman’s carry, Jim fights out and hits a superkick but Jey has one of his own! Trading superkicks, Big Jim staggers into the corner, Jey follows up and blasts him again! More superkicks, Jim puts a hand up and begs off, crying and apologizing, offering a hand.

Jey picks him up... AND JIM BLASTS HIM WITH A SUPERKICK! IT WAS A RUSE YOU RAT BASTARD! Off the top, diving splash... JEY USO WILL NOT GET GOT! Waiting for his brother, Jey hits the spear, he goes up top...

Jey Uso wins by pinfall with the diving splash.

Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill, & Naomi vs. Damage CTRL (Asuka, Dakota Kai, & Kairi Sane)

Asuka and Naomi to start, collar and elbow, side headlock, shot off, double dropkick on the Kabukis and she kips up! Hesitation dropkick on Sane, short kick, double jump splits leg drop, only a nearfall! Kai blasts Naomi off the apron with a boot, Kairi up top, diving elbow drop to the floor!

Back inside, whip into the corner, double Stunner, boot up on the charge, take Asuka out with a kick and the path is clear! Dakota tags in, grabs a boot, tag to Bianca! In hot with lariats, a dropkick, backbreaker, delayed vertical suplex on Sane and a kip-up! Handspring moonsault on all three of them and they kick out!

Asuka with a nearfall, “We want Jade!” chants go up, tag to Cargill! Elbows and boots, chokeslam on Asuka and she’s fired up! Catch Kairi into a backbreaker, turn to face Kai, she ducks a lariat but eats a back body drop! Stinger Splash, Snow Plow... NOPE! Belair in for KOD, Asuka saves Sane but accidentally mists her!

Naomi with a sitout mat slam, Bianca whips Asuka with the braid and hits KOD on her! Dakota charges in, Jade gets her... JADED!

Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill, & Naomi win by pinfall with Jaded from Cargill on Dakota Kai.

We see Sami Zayn greeting his wife and son backstage.

She gives him a pep talk and so does kiddo.

Chad Gable meets him and tells Sami he’s not going to second him tonight because he’s got this on his own, and he always did, and reminds him that he owes him a favor. The camera follows him down the tunnel and he meets Kevin Owens just before Gorilla, who hugs him and tells him to go do it.

GUNTHER (c) vs. Sami Zayn (WWE Intercontinental Championship)

Collar and elbow, champion backs challenger into the corner and breaks dirty with a facepalm. Zayn throwing chops, duck a big one from GUNTHER, mounted punches in the corner but the Ring General throws him back! Sami with more chops, springboard caught, German suplex connects!

GUNTHER connects with chops and Zayn sprawls! Up top, choking Sami with a foot over the top turnbuckles for the full count of four! Smiling, red chested, turning back towards Zayn, clubbing him down! Chops for separation, Sami gets to his feet but GUNTHER chops him right back down!

Jab right to the jaw, punching away, backing the Ring General into the ropes, boot to the arm... HALF AND HALF! ANOTHER ONE! GUNTHER DROPS HIM WITH A LARIAT FOR TWO! Chops and a lucha arm drag, Zayn’s feeling himself, fired up, waiting in the corner but GUNTHER gets him in the Gojira Clutch! Escape, Blue Thunder Driver attempt, the champin counters, crossface strikes from Sami!

Back into the Gojira Clutch, falling back, bodyscissors applied! Sami back on his feet, almost in the ropes and GUNTHER readjusts and hits a German suplex! Exploder suplex in the corner, charging in, big dropkick from the Ring General! Tenryu Powerbomb... SO CLOSE!

GUNTHER with a boot in the corner, Sami goes limp in his arms but it’s a feint! He hits the Helluva Kick... BUT THE RING GENERAL KICKS OUT! Waiting for another chance but GUNTHER takes him down with a lariat! Powerbomb him once, powerbomb him twice, lateral press... STILL SAMI ZAYN KICKS OUT!

Boot after boot after boot, Zayn glassy-eyed and drooling as he pulls himself up the ropes, GUNTHER swats him down with a lariat! 747 Splash number one, kickout, 747 Splash number two and the Ring General doesn’t even try, turning to jaw at Sami’s wife! Zayn thrashing around on the mat as he powers up... BRAINBUSTERRRRRRRRRRRR! HELLUVA KICK! SAMI LINES HIM A SECOND TIME...

Sami Zayn wins by pinfall with the Helluva Kick, becoming your new WWE Intercontinental Champion and ending GUNTHER’s record-setting title reign at 666 days!

General managers Nick Aldis and Adam Pearce are in the ring.

Aldis thanks everyone in the arena and at home for making this the biggest WrestleMania of all time, and Pearce asks everybody to give just a little more energy and announces tonight’s attendance at 72,543 before thanking everyone.

We get a cavalcade of front-row celebrities before commentary hypes up tomorrow night’s card.

“American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins vs. the Bloodline (Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson & Roman Reigns)

All four men squaring up, the tension palpable, referee Chad Patton a coiled spring.

Finally, Reigns and Rollins start, circling, collar and elbow, Roman with a side headlock, shot off, shoulder block and Roman throws his one up! Rhodes tags in, whip to the corner, lariat follows, off the ropes, Cody cuts him off with a knee and follows it with an elbow.

Side headlock, shot off, Reigns gets spooked and accepts a test of strength. Arm wringer, side headlock, Seth tags in and Roman backs off and tags Johnson in. Rock with right hands, Rollins fires back, whip to the corner and Dwayne clobbers him with a lariat and bids Cody come get some!

Rhodes tags in, circling, collar and elbow, struggling into the corner, front kick, drop down slap from Cody, unloading on him in the corner, tag to Rollins! Working Dwayne over together, double whip, double elbow! Roman comes in, Sling Blade sends him packing!

Referee Chad Patton restoring order, action to the floor, Cody fighting with Roman on the ramp side and Rollins putting Johnson into the Prime hydration station near the commentary desk! Rock tells Chad if he counts, he’s fired, and the Rock don’t f*ck around! Seth throws Dwayne into the crowd, they brawl, bouncing each other off tables and barricades, while Reigns and Rhodes fight on the stage!

Picture-in-picture action, Cody suplexes Roman on the stage right as Rock smashes Seth over the head with a trash can! Dwayne spits water at Rollins, fighting back to ringside! Seth on the barricade, double axhandle sends Johnson sprawling! Reigns takes Seth out at the injured knee!

Rock kicks him right in the knee, punch for Cody, back in the ring and working Rollins’ knee over! Swinging it into the post, kicking at it, wrenching it over the ropes, single leg Achilles Lock from Roman! Seth struggling to his feet, throwing desperate hands, lariat sends Reigns over the ropes but he’s got nobody to tag!

Rollins to the floor, Rock throws him into the steel steps a few times! Back inside, Bloodline continuing to work Seth over as Cody paces the apron! Reigns and Rollins down and out, tag to Rock, Dwayne punches Seth right in the Johnson and Chad Patton literally apologizes to Cody for not being able to call the DQ!

Huge right hands from the Brahma Bull but Rollins gets a desperation enzuigiri off and the path is clear... BUT ROMAN PULLS CODY OFF THE APRON! Johnson with a double leg into the Sharpshooter and Seth has nowhere to go... BUT RHODES BREAKS IT UP WITH A SLAP TO DWAYNE’S FACE!

Snapping Rock’s neck over the ropes, Seth gets a superkick... BLACKOUT! ROCK IS DOWN AND OUT AND ROLLINS JUST HAS TO MAKE THE TAG TO MAKE NIGHT TWO BLOODLINE FREE! TAGS MADE, CODY PUNCHING AWAY AT ROMAN! Whip reversed, forearm, up and over, snap scoop powerslam! CODY CUTTER! COVER... REIGNS KICKS OUT!

Inverted facelock, Roman counters, off the ropes, Superman Punch... CODY KICKS OUT! Roaring, spear countered, sunset flip, only two! Cody sidesteps, double jump, blind tag, Cody Cutter, frog splash... NOT ENOUGH! Reigns with a bloodied nose, Rollins wants to hear the crowd sing his song and Philly obliges!

Blackout countered with a high powerbomb, the Tribal Chief roars, spear countered with a knee, Rhodes tags in, Superkick Party! Blackout connects, inverted facelock... CROSS RHODES LANDS BUT ROCKY PULLS REFEREE CHAD PATTON OUT OF THE RING! Low blow, spear... CODY KICKED OUT!

Roman gets up, apoplectic in his disbelief, big right hands, stepping on Cody’s face, drawing him up in the guillotine choke! Rhodes spasming, fading, trying to stay in the fight, posting up to his feet, fading, Patton checks his arm but he does not fail! Rock trips Cody up to keep him in the choke... ROLLINS WITH AN INVERTED BLACKOUT TO BREAK IT UP!

Johnson throws him out of the ring before grabbing the weight belt and turning his attention to Cody’s mom in the front row! She jaws at him defiant, shouting “bullsh*t!” Back inside, Cody gets the belt but Rocky cold co*cks him before he can use it! Turning jabs, a little Flip, Flop, & Fly into the Bionic Elbow!

Fired up, off the ropes, but Dwayne catches him with the spinebuster! Elbow pad off, running the ropes, Cody pops up and hits the Cody Cutter! Rhodes yells at him to get up, inverted facelock, Roman breaks it up with a Superman Punch! Charging in, Rollins pulls Cody out of the way and Reigns spears Rock!

Stereo Pedigrees from the babyfaces... NOT ENOUGH! Cody and Seth conference and regroup, Rollins up top as Rhodes clears the announce desk, and he dives on Roman! Rock rakes Cody’s eyes and bounces him off the steel steps and clears the Spanish annonce table! He spits water at Rhodes, scoops him up, tells his mom to look at him as he drops Cody on the table and climbs up after him!

Rollins comes over, Cody recovers... ROCK BOTTOM THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE DESK! ROMAN SPEARS SETH THROUGH THE BARRICADE! Cody takes Rock back inside but Roman cuts him off with the Drive-By! Reigns tags in, wobbling but still standing, front kick, telling the crowd Cody doesn’t belong here!

Right hands, Rhodes remains defiant, blocking punches and throwing his own back! Inverted facelock, Cross Rhodes, another one, he wants a third... AND ROCK WHIPS HIM WITH THE WEIGHT BELT! Roman off the ropes... SPEAR! Dwayne wants the tag and Reigns gives it him.

The Final Boss stalks his way around Cody, waiting for him to get up... ROCK BOTTOM! Staring the camera down, Dwayne slits his throat with his fingers and throws his one up! Off the ropes... PEOPLE’S ELBOW! IT’S OVER! BLOODLINE RULES TOMORROW!

The Bloodline wins by pinfall with the People’s Elbow from the Rock on Cody Rhodes, ensuring that tomorrow’s title match is going to be contested under Bloodline Rules.

Cody sits in the ring despondent as the Bloodline leaves triumphant.

Rollins pulls himself back into the ring.

That’s the show, folks.

WrestleMania 40 results, live match coverage: Night one (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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